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拿着水枪玩耍,喷得到处都是水,让妈妈非常生气。and the mother was very, very disturbed.

大雨哗啦啦下着,喷水枪似的。The rain is pouring in lance-like showers.

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不停向大火喷射水枪。Kept playing their spouts of water into the blaze.

那小姑娘用水枪向我们射。The little girl squirted us with her water-pistol.

警察用防爆水枪阻止抗议者前进。Police fired water cannon to halt the protesters.

问题对于一个多水枪系统我应选择多大的喷嘴?Q. How do I size nozzles for a multiple gun system?

再带上水枪和你的好朋友,这就开始水仗吧!Add water pistols, your best mates and start a water fight!

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检查一下水枪和减压阀是否有泄漏的迹象。Look for any signs of leaking between the gun and the unloader valve.

也许是我的摄像机,橡皮筋射击或水枪爱慕。Maybe it was for my video camera, a rubber band shooter or a water gun aimer.

人们通过使用水枪互相扔洒各种颜色的粉末、颜料水。People throw colourful powder, coloured water on each other through pichkaris.

但很多时候,洗车的小二喜欢用高压水枪垂直放向冲洗车漆。But most of the time, the second car like water cannon vertically to wash the car paint.

警察用高压水枪驱散闹事者,并通过高音喇叭不断发出警告。Police used water cannons to disperse the rioters, and continued through the loudspeakers warn.

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一只水枪竟能撼动它的根基?Even a water gun can shake its foundations?' writes a reveler named Ashkan on his Facebook page.

试验消防水枪及水炮的射高、射程及水量。Test the altitude of gun, firing range and water amount of fire fighting squirt and water cannon.

姜堰市龙溪水带厂还配套提供消防水带的接口、水枪和其他一些相关产品。Jiangyan City Longxi Hose Factory also supplies Storz, US&BS couplings and other related products.

我不知道她到底是迷惑还是开心,但她拾起水枪,向我冲水。I didn't know whether she was confused or delighted, but she picked up the squirt gun and sprayed me.

经过浸泡,大部分的沙土可以与车漆脱离,再用水枪冲洗就很安全了。After soaking, most of the sand can and the car paint from, and then rinse with water gun is very safe.

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但是在四十码开外的地方,西方的背包客们则用音乐和水枪在庆祝宋干节。But40 yards away, western backpackers on Monday were celebrating Songkran withmusic and water-pistol fights.

这个星期二,早操的时间,在操场上,雅居乐幼稚园的小朋友们开展了一次“水枪大战”活动。This Tuesday, during the morning exercise time, the children carried out a "water war" activities on the playground.

土耳其警方用高压水枪驱散一周内首次大规模聚集在伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场的示威者。In Turkey, police used water cannons to disperse the first mass gathering in Istanbul's Taksim Square in nearly a week.