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他就向我求婚。He proposed to me.

今天是求婚。Today is a mistery.

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门口来了一位求婚者。A suitor is outside.

看你是否向我求婚了。On whether you ask me to.

我不需要嗟来之求婚。I don't want pity proposal.

艾伯向简求婚了没有?Did Abe propose to Jane yet?

你的求婚,举世震惊。Your wooing shocks the world.

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约翰向格蕾丝求婚。John asked Grace to marry him.

求婚者,赢得美人归。The last suitor wins the maid.

他向一位姑娘求婚。He proposed marriage to a girl.

她断然拒绝了他的求婚。She repulsed his offer of marriage.

汤尼在向她求婚时畏缩了。Tony be backward in propose to her.

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汤尼在向她求婚时畏缩了。Tony is backward in propose to her.

乔治在1980年5月向格利尼斯求婚。George proposed to Glynis in May 1980.

他终于向苏·爱伦求婚了。He's finallyasked for Sue Ellen's hand.

我单膝跪地,向她求婚。I knelt down on one knee and asked her.

那么,想求婚的男人们该怎么办呢?So how does a proposal-minded man cope?

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丹妮丝接受了汤姆的求婚。Denise accepted Tom's marriage proposal.

一个五岁孩子的碎碎念求婚信。A 5-year-old's stirring marriage proposal.

你连求婚都要跟我吵。You can't even propose without quarreling.