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还没有,只拍黑白片。上星期我买了一台洗印机。Not yet. Just black and white. Last week I bought a developer.

照片的洗印质量会随着时间的推移而下降。The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time.

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我想冲洗两筒胶卷,还要洗印一些照片。I want to have two rolls of film developed and some prints made.

又分头去买了洗印药粉,电影胶片和成捆的白报纸。Also separately buy a laboratory powders, films and film into a bundle of newsprint.

然后图像能够被洗印出来,放大并且发表,这样很多人都可以对其进行研究。Then the image can be developed, enlarged and be published so that many people can study it.

你可以在洗印照片时遮住底片的底部以去掉那不需要的部分。You can get rid of the unwanted detail by masking out the bottom of the negative during processing.

数码相机的推广让相片洗印业吃了一记重拳。With an increasing switch to digital cameras the photofinishing industry has taken a bit of a pummeling too.

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然后,新婚夫妇或他们的家人将相片洗印出来,发给所有的客人。Later, the wedding couple or their families develop the film and send copies of these pictures to all the guests.

本发明属于胶片洗印水洗水中痕量银回收方法的改进。This invention relates to an improvement of recovering trace Ag from waste developing and printing liquor of film.

接下来,法国的卢米埃尔兄弟发明了集摄影、洗印和放映为一体的“活动电影机”。Then Louis and auguste Lumifire in France invented the Cinematographe, a combination of camera, printer, and projector.

室内设施齐备,有放大机,烘干机,各种洗印药水分别装在有标签的瓶子里。The place was quite well equipped, with neatly labeled bottles of developing fluid, an enlarger, and even a dryer for prints.

洗印加工的电影底片、样片和电影片拷贝必须全部运输出境。The processed photographic plates, sample movies and movie copies must be totally transported to the outside of the territory.

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这种被塔尔博特称为“负片”的东西随后会被用于在另一张化学处理的纸片上洗印多张正像。This "negative, " as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.

这是一出独白剧,讲述的是一个照相馆的洗印师,在暗室中最后一天洗照片时的内心生活。This is a one-character play exposing the inner thoughts of a darkroom printer in his last workday in the darkroom of a photographic studio.

据悉,由于柯达公司传统胶卷和照片洗印业务的销售量及盈利率逐年走低,该公司的数字业务及专利资产便变得尤为重要。Falling sales and profits from Kodak's traditional film and photo-finishing business have made its digital businesses and patent portfolio more important.

金龙善先生是在韩国釜山的海云台海边长大的,他从小便是摄影迷,跟着摄影协会的爸爸一起,学习拍摄并自觉洗印照片。Kim grew up in Korea busan Haeundae over the sea he is photography fans follow the father of photography association learning and consciously develop photographs.

结合作者的工作实践,对控制光楔在电影洗印加工过程中的应用做了比较详细的介绍。This paper discusses the basic principles of making control step wedges used in color cine positive film processing and methods of testing their characteristics stability.

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因为很多洗印中心可以直接从你的相机或记忆卡中下载你的照片印刷或者烧制CD。Many photo-processing centers allow you to bring in your digital camera or its memory card and download your pictures. Then you can make prints or burn your pictures onto a CD.

指出了相应情况下,颜色不平衡的校正方法。对于彩色正片的洗印过程有一定的指导意义。It also points out that under relevant conditions, the correcting method for colour nonequilibrium has guiding significance in the developing and printing process of colour positive.