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他吃力地利泥泞中跋涉。He slogged through the mud.

机器人学得很吃力。Machines learn the hard way.

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老人缓慢吃力地上楼。The old man lumbered upstairs.

她吃力地呼吸着,强作镇定。She struggled for breath, to be calm.

他沿著荒芜的道路吃力地走了几个小时。He trudged the deserted road for hours.

他很吃力地学了好几年的英文。He struggled for years to learn English.

编词典是趯极其吃力的苦差。Compiling ga dictionary is an awful sweat.

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那个年轻人沿着凹凸不平的路吃力地走。The young man pounded along the rough road.

在平原城市还好,在丘陵城市就有点吃力了。May be hard to pull off in some hilly cities.

就在这时,比尔出现了,他正吃力地从山下爬上来。Now, Bill came in sight plodding up the hill.

士兵们在暴风雨中吃力地前进。The soldiers laboured their way in the storm.

攀山越岭的旅程是十分吃力的。A journey through the mountains is exhausting.

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那辆旧车在泥泞的路上吃力地朝前开着。The old car was labouring along the muddy road.

他们很少为吃力不讨好的工作动脑筋。They seldom labour their wits on thankless task.

波利的儿子吉姆,学习很吃力。Polly's son, Jim, had great difficulty in school.

这个学期学理科时,我真的觉得很吃力。I had a really hard time with science this semester

另外,她儿子对于简单明了的写字显得很吃力。In addition, the son has struggled to write legibly.

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会很吃力地理解人们在对我说什么,I struggle to understand what people are saying myself,

这些吃力的工作,到半夜才顺利完成。These different labours were happily ended at midnight.

他佝偻着身子,很吃力地背着脏兮兮的尼龙袋从我们面前走过。He stooped, carrying a Nylon bag passing in front of us.