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它下意识的透露出爱尔兰凯尔特人的气息。It's self-consciously Irish, Celtic.

对我而言,这更多的是一种下意识的反应。For me, its more of an automatic response.

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年轻人会下意识的反叛传统。The young rebel against traditions subliminally.

这种“需求”只是错误的下意识设计。Such "requirements" are just bad knee-jerk design.

这可能是下意识的行为,但这种行为确实在发生。It's perhaps a sub-conscious thing, but it happens.

他下意识地举起手来搔他的头顶。He involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his head.

这是下意识,或者“无意识的”,Kishiyama说。It's subconscious, or "nonconscious, " Kishiyama says.

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早年的经历会在下意识中埋入恐惧感。Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.

“我们在哪?”夏泉下意识的问道。"Where are we ?"The summer spring subconscious asks a course.

在许多欧洲国家,握手是一种下意识的行为。In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture.

在跑步中,应该下意识地模仿这种步法来避免脚跟先着地的情况。Mimic this by consciously avoiding landing on your heels as you run.

你会本能地去找自己有哪些地方可以提高的,至少会下意识地去注意。Your instinct is going to be look for all the things you could improve.

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米哈开出任意球,克鲁斯下意识的射门,被破坏出底线。Cruz's instinctive shot from Mihajlovic's corner is cleared off the line.

他们会经常下意识地记住他们过去时多么的糟糕。They remember, often subconsciously, how awful they have felt in the past.

大凡毫无目的的逃亡者,他们遇到岔路,一般会下意识地右拐。A no, they meet the evacuees fork, general will subconsciously, turn right.

他下意识地跟着忽明忽暗的光走去,然后又突然止住脚步。He started to follow the half-glimpsed light, then abruptly caught himself.

如果你留心,你就会下意识地留意各种机会。If you're on the look-out, you automatically start to notice opportunities.

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但是人的梦想的特征仅仅是他的下意识的反映。But the quality of man's dreams can only be a reflection of his subconscious.

当做算术时,几乎是下意识的,我还是会想去掰手指。I still tend to move my fingers, almost subconsciously, when doing arithmetic.

一阵寒风吹来,他的肩膀下意识的抖了抖。A rupture of bise is thumped, shuddering of his shoulder subconscious trembles.