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简单地说,三村信史是个非常不错的家伙。Basically Shinji Mimura was a good guy.

信史带来了有关于战场的消息。The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.

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商周时期是中国由传说时代迈向信史时代的关键时期。Shan-Chou Dynasty is the key time from legendary time to pursuivant time.

这部信史对印度考古学而言是一本极为可靠的指南。This truthful history book is an extremely reliable guide for Indian archaeology.

一是中国信史发轫的准确年代,一是黄帝是否确有其人。One is the exact date of origin of Chinese history, the other is the existence of the Yellow Emperor.

从印第安人的角度来写一部信史,读起来一定令人兴味索然。An honest history, written from the point of view of the Indians, would make mighty interesting reading.

在无数据库或信史可用的情况下,他们必须寻找一种快捷、便宜的筛选方法。With no access to data banks or credit histories, they must seek a quick and inexpensive screening device.

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辨清传说的可信之处和信史的可疑之处,是揭示早期琴史的途径之一。It is one of the approaches to reveal the history of forepart Qin to identify the credit and shadiness of the tales.

在近世疑古思潮的影响下,夏朝传统的信史地位开始发生动摇。With the influence of recent suspecting ancient history thought, the status of Xia Dynasty in true history becomes faltered.

然而,历代正直的史家坚持直书的精神、追求信史的目标从未改变。However, the righteous historians always persisted in recording history faithfully and never gave up pursuing authentic history.

作为史家,他以存信史为己任,对有金一代文明百年作了客观的记录和总结。As a historian, he thought it was his duty to keep the real history so he recorded the history on centurial civilization of Jin Dynasty.

三星堆的考古发现,将古蜀的信史推到5000年前,说明了中华文明起源的多样性。The archaeological discovery of Sanxingdui pushes the history of Ancient Shu to 5000 years ago and greatly completes the evolution of Chinese Civilazion.

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此文被众多著述家作为信史加以引用,在有关马寅初、孔祥熙等研究领域产生了广泛影响。The article has been quoted as something true by many writers and has exerted deep influence in the field of study concerning Ma Yinchu and Kong Xiangxi.

如果认真起来,在城岩中学里恐怕只有那个以前是天才游击手的秋也,或是现在的城岩中学篮球社天才后卫三村信史,才有办法和他一较高下吧。The only ones at Shiroiwa Junior High who could compete with him seriously were, yes, the former star shortstop, Shuya, and the current star shooting guard, Shinji Mimura.

其次,在妈祖文献的信史部份中,主要从学术征引、文学取材、艺术创作各方面的特色加以综合研究。Secondly, the messenger in the literature of Mazu in part, mainly from the academic Zhengyin, literary subjects, artistic creation, all the characteristics to be comprehensive study.