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天公作美。The weather favoured us.

如果天公做美,还可以在雨中漫步。If it rains, walk in the rain.

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九月初九这天,天公作美,阳光和煦。The ninth September day, the weather, sunny.

欢迎来到缘幻天公会!Welcome to the association of YuanHuanTian !

天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。Providence have make me a lady after a fashion.

如果天公作美,周末我们就去郊游。Weather permitting, we’ll go for an outing this weekend.

截至发稿时间,竞天公诚为对置评请求作出回应。Jingtian & Gongcheng did not respond to requests for comment by press time.

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天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions.

听导游说,今天是个好的天,真是天公作美。Just hark to local guide, today is a fine day, the weather will be cooperative.

经过几次单双号,空气就变好了,在国庆节里,天公亦作美。After a few single number, the air turned well, the National Day, god also made.

天公真不作美,偏偏今天刮起了风,门窗不停地响。God really Buzuo Mei, but why the wind blowing today, doors and windows kept ringing.

本月新开盘项目寥寥无几,只有几个老楼盘信誓旦旦,欲与天公试比“热”!Few items on the new price, only a few old properties pledged to try to God than the "hot"!

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这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,这是天公划的惊叹号。暴风雨终于来了!Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point. The storm is here!

这个月是羊羊们的生日之月,本月伊始,天公作美,为各位准备了一个美好浪漫的惊喜。It's birthday month, and the universe has cooked up a lovely romantic surprise for you as the month opens.

庙会-埕-成为人们与”天公”最紧密的交会与连结场所。Furthermore, temples are the most intimidate spots for people to interact intimately with the "Heavenly God".

只要我们足够有耐心,天公也作美,我们还有机会看到一个小天体——它就是被命名为灶神星的小天体。Though it takes a lot of patience and excellent sky conditions, it is possible to see a tiny object called Vesta.

即使天公再作美,一年一度的春运工作还是会给中国的交通运输部门带来不小挑战。EVEN in the best of conditions, the period around China's lunar new year holiday poses immense logistical challenges.

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她的蓝低至暗沉,不小心你会以为是天公给她扮妆了色彩。It is easy to confuse by its color, dark blue. when you see it you will think that is a masterpiece which is made by sky.

这几天公检人已经多次召集大型的陪审团并且对卡恩进行正式的控诉。Prosecutors now have several days in which to convene a grand jury and bring a formal indictment against Mr. Strauss-Kahn.

天公作美,截止6月的工作结束前,旋风2号小组成功的拦截了20条龙卷风。With some cooperation from the weather, VORTEX2 went on to intercept 20 tornadoes by the time the expedition ended in June.