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不料盖世太保反而把拉伯拘捕。Instead, Rabe was arrested by the Gestapo.

不料因为荣树的死。Unexpectedly, because of the death of the tree.

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不料罗宾汉砍断小约翰身上的绳索,把盖伊的弓箭交给他。But Robin released Little John, and gave him Guy’s bow.

我努力朝西走,不料又遇到了小河。I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again.

不料,他却遭到了王小红冷淡粗暴的对待。And behold, but he was WangXiaoGong cold rough treatment.

不料不到两年,双方就对簿公堂。Be less than two years unexpectedly, both sides litigates.

她开上汽车道,不料发现路已被堵。She turned up the drive way, only to find her way blocked.

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这本是她多年的梦想,不料会布满伤悲。These were things she sought for years and sorrowed after.

我已做好准备要提出反对意见,不料斯蒂芬却抢先一步。I had my objections all prepared, but Stephens forestalled me.

风儿一心要用暴风来摄去火焰,不料却将它吹熄。The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out.

不料加藤部将沙也可叛变,令加藤军遭受损失。But kato department can also be a mutiny, kato army suffered losses.

不料半路迷路,一直找不到我们去时看到的那片树林。But halfway we lost and never find out when we went to see the trees.

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陈志强找好位置,准备枪杀证人,不料失手。Ck tan to find good location, prepare kill the witness, only to fail.

不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去。To his surprise, when these people saw him, they stalked off laughing.

不料因为有条子带路,宫本也走了同一条路。It only because of the blade to lead the way, also walked the same path.

不料那味道非常奇特,令他觉得恶心反胃,连早餐都吐出来了。The incredibly strange taste nauseated him and he vomited his breakfast.

不料非儿却因戴错连戏项链,导致必须重拍。But FeiEr for wearing the wrong necklace, even play cause must be remade.

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逃到一处巷口,不料却有两人挡住去路。Fled to a lane that has, and, behold, it has two people blocking the way.

正想拉住程咬金长谈一番,不料女掌柜追了过来。Just want to pull a long process bite gold, but female manager came after.

不料简怡掏出手枪抵住自己的太阳穴,用自己的性命保护雷远。Lo JianYi pistol against his temple, used his own life to protect LeiYuan.