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我迷失了方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

我迷失ㄋ方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

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莪迷失了方向,莪被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, I'm forced to face.

我迷失了方向,我被逼用假面目见人。I lose my way, I'm forced to fake.

他们就开始显露可憎的面目。They began to reveal the face of heinous.

他的黑胡须和长长的黑发使他看上去面目狰狞。With his black beard and long black hair.

看上去面目狰狞,但不会伤人。Their dog seems fierce, but he's harmless.

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他应该辨清你的真实面目。He must discern thee in thy true character.

教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。Dogmatism is puppyish come to its full growth.

全世界的面目,我想,溘然转变了。The face of all the world is changed, I think.

我见过的尸体多半面目狰狞。Most of the corpses I have seen looked devilish.

浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的面目。Smoother showed the face of its ferocious gradually.

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现在已经很难想象原来海岸的面目了。Now it is hard to image the origin scene of the seacoast.

旧的外壳正在脱落,乐享你的新面目,新感觉吧!Layers of old are coming off. Enjoy your new look and feel.

是时候揭开纸老虎的画皮,直视中国的真实面目。It is time to leave the theater and see China for what it is.

我将揭开基拉的真正面目,哪怕这是我最后能做的事情。I'll uncover Kira's real identity, if it's the last thing i do.

这是一个面目狰狞的人,穿了一身劣质的灰色衣服,腿上拴了一条粗大沉重的铁镣。A fearful man, all in coarse gray, with a great iron on his leg.

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那个面目全毁的人成了二者之间的桥梁。The man with the melted face proved to be a bridge between them.

它们是大规模杀伤性武器。这才是它们的真实面目。They're WMDs. Weapons of Mass Destruction. That's what they are.

人们是不会注意到穿着圣诞老人套装来掩饰自己面目的抢劫者的。It is not unheard of for robbers to wear Santa suits as a disguise.