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珍禽异兽出没,孔雀大象穿梭。Yishou setting of rare birds, peacocks elephant shuttle.

在大片的原始森林中,有很多珍禽异兽。In the vast primeval forest, there are many rare birds and unusual animals.

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惊人特效让各式各样珍禽异兽重生。Amazing special effects bring a vast variety of fantastic creatures to life.

加入广场,Petites,优质,珍禽异兽和档案现在毛状。Join the forum, maids, and of high quality, exotic animals and archives hair.

该组织抗议美国「玲玲兄弟马戏团」展演珍禽异兽。PETA was protesting the use of exotic animals by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

大围珍禽异兽及宠物医院,香港新界大围积信街69-75号地下。Tai Wai Small Animal & Exotic Hospital, 69-75 Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong.

其形或似仙山名岳,或似珍禽异兽,或似名媛诗仙。The shape or name like mountains or mountain, like or like ladies Shixian rare fowls and strange animals.

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主峰陡峭,北高南低坡度较小,野草青藤横生,珍禽异兽常年栖息于此。Steep main peak, the North-South gradient smaller low, Sinomenine with weeds, Exotic perennial habitat here.

大围珍禽异兽及宠物医院,香港新界大围积信街69至75号地下。Tai Wai Small Animal & Exotic Hospital, 69-75 Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.

一千多只的的野生动物,可看到多种濒临绝种的保护类珍禽异兽。More than1,000 only wild animal, to can see is many kinds of endangered protection type rare birds and animals.

宝天曼林海莽莽,古木高耸在天空中的,珍禽异兽,奇树异。Bao days Manlinhai Venezuela, Tall ancient trees stand Exotic, the masses, do the natural scenery of the airflow.

最后的神秘世界,中国。几世纪以来,到过中国的游客一直描述着中国迷人的山水风景及令人惊叹的珍禽异兽。The last hidden world , China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures.

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当西班牙的大帆船满载着从阿兹特克劫掠来的黄金,珠宝和珍禽异兽回老家的时候,碰上了法国海盗让福勒里。French pirate Jean Fleury intercepts Spanish treasure ships laden with gold, jewels, and exotic animals plundered from Aztec lands.

游客无不为澳大利亚境内的各种珍禽异兽和奇花异草所折服。None of the tourists is not marveling at the profuse variety of fauna and flora within the boundary of Australia that are utterly outlandish and exotic.

游行队伍里有号手,乐师以及征服地的珍禽异兽,还有一车又一车的财宝和缴获的武器。In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments.

最后,许多珍禽异兽作为宠物饲养,他们一定会被大规模猎杀,这意味着威胁到生态系统的平衡。Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.

这里随处可见寺庙,最令人印象深刻的是那座小小的帕华可寺,那里橙色的墙上有各色慑人的壁画,描绘着白虎这类珍禽异兽。Here and there is the occasional temple, most memorably the tiny Wat Paa Huak, which has orange walls covered with stunning murals depictingexotica such as white tigers.

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由于地处热带,而且飓风让动物园面目全非,再加上一大帮珍禽异兽的狂热粉丝,佛罗里达成了这些外来物种的“圣城”。Thanks to its tropical climate, zoo-wrecking hurricanes and a greater-than-usual number of people with a hankering for fashionably exotic pets, Florida is an invasive-species mecca.

石坊的坊额、格板等其他部位,运用透雕或浮雕手法雕出珍禽异兽和花卉图案,雕工精巧,玲珑剔透。Shihfang's Square, the amount of lattice panels and other parts, the use of engraved or relief means rare birds and animals and flowers carved patterns, carving delicate, exquisitely carved.

水库的修建,有效地保护了自然资源和环境,许多久已不见的珍禽异兽,纷纷来此栖息。The construction of the reservoir, has protected natural resources and environment effectively, a lot of rare birds and animals disappearing for a long time, come here to perch one after another.