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我一直听到忙线讯号。I keep getting the busy signals.

到底费洛蒙有什麽化学讯号在里面?What are the chemicals in pheromones?

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在讯号微弱的地方也能迅速定位。Extreme fast TTFF at low signal level.

没有髓鞘的话,电讯号就会漏流而消散。Without myelin, the signal leaks and dissipates.

这是关系瓦解的第一个讯号吗?Is it the first signal of relationship disintegration?

下一页将说明讯号放大器的好处。The next page will describe the benefits of repeaters.

HASI也会运用雷达讯号进行类似的量测。HASI will make similar measurements using radar signals.

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每个卫星都能单独发射讯号。Each of the satelite is contantly sending out the signals.

改善天线接收讯号,令电视昼面更清析。Indoor TV signal amplifier. Better signal, better picture.

表示无接收到摇控器之讯号。BLUE LED flashes indicate that no RECEIVER signal received.

但是经过一系列检测后,杨女士发现一个异常讯号。But a series of tests showed Ms Yang something was abnormal.

同时它还能显示出电池电量和网络讯号强度。It also displays the battery level and network signal strength.

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表示无接收到摇控器之讯号。BLUE LED lit on indicates that RECEIVER signal has been received.

相距5.43哩的监听站收听到一个短暂的无线电讯号。Two listening posts 5.43 miles apart pick up a brief radio signal.

串音也能由分散、附近缆线的讯号而产生。Crosstalk can also be caused by signals on separate, nearby cables.

数位化时码讯号则以自行撰写的解码程式予以解码。A locally developed program was used to decode the digitized time code.

接收器解调变到达它的天线的载波讯号。A receiver demodulates the carrier signal that arrives from its antenna.

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必须先测定错误讯号的强度,然后从数据里扣掉。The level of false signals has to be measured and deducted from the data.

这个金属塔是用于向遥远的村子转播电视讯号的。This metal tower is used to relay television signals to distant villages.

课程将介绍连续时间与离散时间讯号与系统的基本概念。Both the continuous-time and the discrete-time aspects will be considered.