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原来我已经在八楼说过了…I have got so much.

原来是一面黑旗。It was a black flag.

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原来是滑沙呀!It's sliding on sand!

哦,原来是晨雾。Oh, yes morning mist.

原来是小恐龙啊。Oh, a little dinosaur.

原来你说的是那个金国。Oh, that State of Jin.

原来心怎样都是冷的。It does not work at all.

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原来这一年没有白过。It was a very good year.

噢,原来草地上有小坑呢!Oh, the grass has a pit!

原来是高手,好埙。Is a superior, good Xuan.

原来这是开卷考试。It was an open-note test.

哦,原来是两个同音词。Oh, they are two homonyms.

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原来这个人就是关羽。The man was named Guan Yu.

原来你是有备而来呀!Oh, you came here prepared!

原来是在剪脚趾甲。She's cutting her toenails.

我知道这就是我原来的想法。I know that's what Ithought.

我要减回到原来的身材。I need to get back in shape.

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嗨,原来是钟鼓楼啊。Oh, the Bell and Drum Tower.

不会是原来的我。Wake it up on Judgement Day.

啊,原来猴子是把我骗来的!Ah, I cheated to monkeys are!