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他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。He has been quietlybooted out as chief.

我来看看是否能给你免掉今晚的家庭作业。I'll see if I can get you out of homework tonight.

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有一点也许你想知道,那就是我的四元过路费被免掉了。In case you're wondering, my RMB4 toll fee was waived.

老板要免掉我的经理职务,你听说了吗?Have you heard that the I'm losing my manager position?

老板要免掉我的经理职务,你听说了吗?A. Have you heard that the I'm losing my manager position?

他紧紧地搂着布朗丁的腿抓着绳子以免掉下去。He clung to Blondin's leg and the rope in order not to fall.

我并不假装,说婚姻可以免掉它繁重的职责。I do not pretend that marriage can be freed from onerous duties.

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在一个放任自由主义的社会中,污染环境者毁坏环境不会免掉惩罚吧?In a libertarian society, wouldn't polluters get away with destroying

并且,如果您觉得精彩的话,是否也能免掉这人三分之一的罪过?Also, if my story marvels you, could you forgive another one-third of this man's crime?

于是我就在电话上请求业务代表免掉那28块。So, there I was, on the phone requesting the representative to waive the 28 dollars for me.

将骨块从骨床上撬起时,助手应牢牢抓住,以免掉到地板上造成污染。As the graft is pried from its bed, an assistant grasps it firmly to prevent its dropping to the floor.

乘火车旅行还有两大优点,那就是能免掉机场安检的麻烦,也不至于动辄遇到航班延误,而这事最近时有发生。Train travelers can also avoid airport security hassles and some of the delays that have plagued flights lately.

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如果你是刚搬出去住的,你能否搬回去和你父母住来免掉房租费?If you are just starting out, can you move back with your parents for a few months and throw the rent money towards your debt?

实际上,如果你喜欢无佣金共同基金,直接同此类基金公司进行交易,那么你就能免掉所有的交易成本。In fact, you can avoid all trading costs if you favor no-load mutual funds and deal directly with the fund companies involved.

后来法庭针对公立学校宗教活动做出的判决如果当时就是法律的话,则可能会使我们免掉这一程序。Subsequent court decisions on religion in public schools, had they been law then, might have taken us prayer leaders off the program.

不过其他朋友告诉我如果是初犯可以恳请业务代表免掉罚金。However, I learned from other friends that you could always plea for a waiver of the penalty if it was your first time to commit this mistake.

不过其他朋友告诉我如果是初犯可以恳请业务代表免掉罚金。However, I learned from other friends that you could always plea for a waiver15 of the penalty if it was your first time to commit this mistake.