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爷爷真是老当益壮。Grandpa is old but hale.

喔,他可真是个老当益壮的人,永远充满活力呢。Oh, he's a real spring chicken, always full of energy.

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我真佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神,罗瑞先生。How I admire the gallantry of your youthful spirit, Mr. Lorry.

我必须再说一遍,我衷心佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神。I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.

它见证了英国8位君主的加冕礼及50多位首相的更换,却仍然老当益壮。He has seen the coronation of 8 British monarchs and a staggering 50 prime ministers, but still appears fit and healthy.

我不会说得这么绝对,毕竟现在精力充沛的人们通常能工作到60岁,甚至更久老当益壮。I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive.

大学及其他机构如何平衡「老当益壮」和新晋教授的利益,实要周详考虑。Institutions must consider thoroughly how best to balance the interest between the 'old and fit' researchers and their younger cohorts.

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狮子是老人年轻时远航非洲见到的,它们是青春、活力和勇敢的象征,体现小说主人公老当益壮的勃勃雄心。The lion is the old man young when sailing Africa see, they are youth, vigor and brave, reflect the symbol of the novel the hero buster ambition.

纳什老当益壮,在季后赛为太阳带来了更多的活力,他希望太阳能够阻止湖人的卫冕之路。Nash, who has revitalized and brought more spark to the Suns in the playoffs this year looks to dethrone the Lakers from making it back to the Finals.

即使是在回光返照的那周,虽然行将就木,却老当益壮,生动活泼,还能接住厨房扔来的花生。Even during her miracle week, knowing how fragile Taylor was, we marveled at her youthful attitude, expressive face and eyes, and uncanny ability to catch a peanut tossed across the kitchen.