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鲁班是建筑工匠的祖师。Lu Ban was the originator of architecture.

所以达摩祖师就由印度坐船到中国来了。Thus it happened that Patriarch Bodhidharma sailed from India to China.

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这是达摩祖师一生到中国的大概经过。This has been a general discussion of Patriarch Bodhidharma's life in China.

祖师传下来的一种花篮形式,更是陈陈相因,人家看得很熟。Founder-down form of a bouquet of flowers, is routinization, they see familiar.

记得过去的祖师在修禅,也有很多学者参禅。In the past, many of the Zen Patriarchs and many students practiced meditation.

对中药祖师麻3种基源植物进行了系统的化学和药理学比较研究。The chemical and pharmacological study of three origin plants for TCM Zushima was described.

佛法的修学,特别是禅宗祖师大德所提倡的,从根本修。Buddhism, especially the Zen School, advocates starting our practice from the root, the mind.

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少林寺方丈三藏经祖师指点,寻找这一千年前三位少林盖世英雄的转世。Sanzang, the great Shaolin master, communicates with the divine spirits of his ancestors of advice.

但在传统的中国净土宗祖师世系中,他又是一个默默无闻的人物。Although one of traditional Chinese founders of a sect of Buddhism, he remained obscure all his life.

这种状况下,守玄想睡觉是弥勒祖师在为我们催眠,再不睡健康就要亮红灯了。In this situation, feeling sleepy during the practice is Maitriya Buddha's blessing to make us sleep.

印光大师是具有丰厚儒学修养的净土宗十三代祖师。Great Master Yinguang, with huge accomplishment of Confucianism, is the 13th master of the Pure Land Sect.

午餐后乘车赴“科圣”墨子、“工匠祖师”鲁班故里——滕州市。After lunch, take bus to the hometown of "the Scientific Sage" Mozi and "the master of craftsman" Luban---Tengzhou.

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应弟子本净以下之提请,我已手书了陈上师所造的〈仰米达波祖师祈请颂〉。As requested by disciple Ben Jing below, I had written Guru Chen's Supplication to Patriarch Gampopa in calligraphy.

若能专注到百分之十以上,就足以和弥勒祖师感应道交。One percent or one hundred percent concentration makes the difference whether you can be connected with Maitriya Buddha or not.

于明、清两代流行于福建、浙江、江西、台湾等,以禅宗六祖慧能为祖师,设教所在称为斋堂,不称寺院。It had the Sixth Patriarch of the Zen lineage, Hui Neng, for a patriarch, and its establishments were called halls, not temples.

影片开场旁白说明,“只要得到天竺高僧罗摩祖师的遗体就可以得到神通”。The opening narration establishes that magical powers can be achieved through possession of the remains of the Indian monk Bodhi.

前五十位祖师的名号是由陈上师的唐密上师冯大阿阇梨亲书的。Names of the first 50 patriarchs were written by the 50th patriarch, Great Acharya Feng who was the Guru of Guru Chen in Tang Tantra.

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南宋内丹南宗第五代祖师白玉蟾曾经在武夷山生活过。Bai Yuchan, who was the fifth ancestor of Inner Alchemy of Southern Lineage in Southern Song Dynasty, lived in Wuyi Mountain sometime.

蔡伦在造纸术的发明和完善的过程中,做出了巨大贡献,被后人尊为造纸的祖师。Cai Lun of the invention of papermaking and perfecting process, made enormous contribution, was later revered as the paper 's founder.

生活禅的理念来源于禅教合一的思想,从生活禅的教证和祖证可以反映出,生活禅是对祖师禅的继承和超越。The religious doctrine and origin of life Buddhism indicate inheritance and breakthrough of life Buddhism to the founder of Chan sect.