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老约翰只管继续敲敲打打地干活儿。Old John kept right on hammering.

学校外的工地敲敲打打的声音让人很是烦躁。The school crooked work site strikes the sound lets the human very is agitated.

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他热爱音乐,会用调羹或叉子在任何稍有点像鼓的物面上敲敲打打。He loved music and would pound spoons or forks on any surface that faintly resembled a drum.

这种看似简单的“敲敲打打”,正是化解冻雨对电力设施损害的有效方法。This seemingly simple "hammering" is to resolve freezing rain damage to power facilities and effective way.

很快便能入睡,到了早晨,红松鼠会爬上房顶,敲敲打打地开始它快乐的日常工作。Sleep would come easily and in the morning the red squirrel would be on the roof, tapping out his gay routine.

这是一个阳光灿烂的晴朗日子,森林里一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.

于是在冬天人们在自家门上挂上红颜色的桃木板,门口烧火堆,夜里通宵不睡,敲敲打打。So in winter people in ZiGuMen hang the red color of peach wood door in the fire pile, night don't sleep all night, knock renowned.

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我接受昵称,并装作喜欢敲敲打打的玩笑和游乐园,并且会打包不负责任的不健康的野餐去公园吃。I'll bestow nicknames, pretend to like knock-knock jokes and amusement parks, and pack irresponsibly unhealthy picnics to take to the zoo.

自五月份博物馆开馆后,工人们还一直在成堆的泥土和瓦砾中敲敲打打,为建筑群余下部分的建设做准备。Months after the museum's opening in May, workers are drilling and hammering amid piles of dirt and rubble to prepare the rest of the complex.

自五月份博物馆开馆后,工人们还一直在成堆的泥土和瓦砾中敲敲打打,为建筑群余下部分的建设做准备。Months after the museum’s opening in May, workers are drilling and hammering amid piles of dirt and rubble to prepare the rest of the complex.

当时认为,如果谁整天有几个小时来消遣,他理应把这些时间用在训练箭术上,而不要用木槌对着木球敲敲打打。It was also considered that if someone had hours to wile away, they should be practicing their archery, not whacking at wooden balls with mallets.

用餐中可教育孩子碗筷不可敲敲打打、咀嚼食物中不可说话等。While eating, teach your child table etiquette such as not hitting the table with his chopsticks or bowl as well as not talking with his mouth full.

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因此,大多数人实际上需要一把能够处理他们一生中可能碰到的所有敲敲打打的活的锤子。As it turns out, most people really want a single hammer that can handle all of the different kinds of hammering tasks you might encounter in your life.

全国各地越来越多的家庭里,婴幼儿甚至在蹒跚学步时就已经能熟练地在手机上敲敲打打了。In a growing number of families across the country, infants and toddlers are deftly swiping and tapping away even as they wobble toward their first steps.

要是搁在过去﹐格里现在很有可能趴在汽车底下﹐敲敲打打﹐我们甚至不会讨论是否换车的问题。In years past, Gerry would probably be underneath the car in the driveway fixing the car now, and we wouldn't even broach the discussion of whether or not to replace it.

大卫·史密斯埋首于他视为知己的大片废弃的金属、机器零件和工具之中,像个铁匠那样的敲敲打打,在30天里创作了27件雕塑。Having huge piles of metals machine parts and tools as his friends, David Smith occupied himself hammering like a blacksmith and created 27 pieces of sculpture in 30 days.

然而,据估计英国人当中每5名就有一位患牙医恐惧症,这也就意味着某些人宁可忍受病痛的折磨,也不愿让医生在自己的牙齿上动刀动钻,敲敲打打。However, an estimated one in five Britons suffers from dental phobia, a fear of dentists which means some would rather endure pain and suffering than face the prospect of having their teeth drilled.