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从鲸须以腹腔镜。From whalebone to laparoscope.

大型鲸须鲸是最受关注的物种。Large baleen whales are of special concern.

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当然那些充当食物的鱼虾就卡在鲸须上了。And of course, the food is caught in the baleen.

北极露脊鲸,弓头鲸生活在北冰洋的一种有鲸须的鲸鱼,具有大的头部和拱形的上颚。A whalebone whale of Arctic seas, having a very large head and an arched upper jaw.

像其他鲸类动物一样,艾华兽用鲸须中的筛板滤食食物。Like other cetaceans , aiwhas filter food through the sieve-plates in their baleen.

当一台推土机拖着这头全长28英尺的鲸穿过岩石沙滩时,鲸血渐渐穿过鲸须而渗漏出来。Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach.

半小时后,还有一个穿着鲸须架式筒裙的老夫人在大厅的其他一些身穿化装衣服的人中间出现了——这是尼古拉。Half an hour later there appeared in the hall among the other mummers an old lady in a crinoline—this was Nikolay.

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偶尔,他们非常精美雕刻板鲸须,他们摩擦的高光泽度的亚麻布。Very occasionally they had beautifully carved boards of whalebone on which they rubbed a high gloss on to the linen.

另一方面,鲸须类出现拥有相同的脑结构但是不知道他们是否有用。Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some related brain structures but it is not known whether these are functional.

须鲸的牙齿全都失去了,演化出梳子状的鲸须板,从上颚垂下,捕捉海水中的浮游生物。Mysticetes lost their teeth altogether and developed comblike plates of baleen that hang from their upper jaws and strain plankton from the seawater.

长须鲸包括座头鲸和蓝鲸都是没有牙齿的,它们用一种类似毛发般的细小结构——鲸须作为替代捕食方法,利用它们过滤海水中的食物,例如磷虾。Baleen whales, including the humpback whales and blue whales, are toothless and instead use hairlike structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.

北方佬对南部联盟各州港口已加紧了封锁,因此茶叶、咖啡、丝绸、鲸须衣褡、香水、时装杂志和书籍等奢侈品,就既稀少又很贵了。The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks , whalebone stays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear.

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北方佬对南部联盟各州港口已加紧了封锁,因此茶叶、咖啡、丝绸、鲸须衣褡、香水、时装杂志和书籍等奢侈品,就既稀少又很贵了。The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks, whalebone stays, colognes , fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear.