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中技或高中以上毕业。High school or above.

是的。我是一九三七年毕业的。Yup. I graduated in 1937.

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她医科毕业。She graduated in medicine.

她以优异成绩毕业。She graduated with honors.

他本人于2005年从伯特利神学院毕业。Seminary San Diego in 2005.

他数学系毕业。He graduated in mathematics.

你儿子啥时候毕业?""When does your son graduate?

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美术相关专业毕业。Majored in art-related fields.

你什么时候从马大毕业?When did you graduate from UM?

到2000年我将已经毕业了。I shall have graduated by 2000.

两年之后,娄靖即将毕业。In two years she will graduate.

你将要在这学期后毕业是吗?And you graduate after this term?

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别忘了在我的毕业纪念册上签名留念。Don't forget to sign my yearbook.

他骄傲地夸示他的毕业文凭。He proudly displayed his diploma.

我毕业于北京大学。I graduate from Peking Universit.

毕业后,她萌生了一个想法。After graduation, she had an idea.

我们是同期毕业的。We are graduates of the same year.

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2009年又将有六百一十万人毕业。Another 6.1m will graduate in 2009.

毕业典礼上有人哭吗?Did anyone cry in the commencement?

其中每个毕业典礼都是非常好。Each of those graduations was nice.