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投资是消费在时间上的权衡轻重。Investment is the balancing of consumption over time.

这些年轻人做事情不知轻重。These young people do not know the proper way to act.

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在整个生命周期中不分轻重地使用过程。Always use the same degree of process throughout the lifecycle.

而症状的轻重程度与试验的顺序没有关系。The degree of symptoms was not associated with the order of trials.

几十亿人口之你我,何足轻重,如一雨滴一草木。Billions of what you and I, like raindrops, a full weight vegetation.

同时,探讨了弱有机酸的存在对轻重稀土分馏的影响。Also, it is discussed about the role of organic acid on fractionation.

但各国经常把这种必要性与其它社会优先重点放在一起权衡轻重。But countries often weigh this necessity against other social priorities.

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你很可能被举无轻重的事物和无关紧要的细节给拖延。You're likely to be put off by trivialities and petty details of any sort.

此外,这一障碍的轻重程度有所不同,从轻微到严重。Moreover, the disorder occurs along a broad spectrum, from mild to extreme.

所以,“知与行”的“先后、难易、轻重”也都是相对的。The "order, difficulty and importance" of "knowledge and act" are relative.

干毛巾和加重棉花在一个单独的负荷由轻重量的衣服。Dry towels and heavier cottons in a separate load from lighter-weight clothes.

肌组织中TLR4蛋白含量与胰岛素抵抗的轻重有联系。TLR4 muscle protein content correlated with the severity of insulin resistance.

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按照吸烟程度的轻重,以及从不吸烟还是戒烟,把妈妈们进行了分组。The mothers were classified as heavy or light smokers, never-smokers or quitters.

钙化的轻重与临床表现出现的早晚成正相关。The level of calcification was positive correlation with time of clinical symptom.

抽搐的程度轻重不等,为阵发性、快速、不规律的抽搐。The twitching degree differ, paroxysmal, fast, and not for the law of the seizure.

不要花太多时光学习,知识是一种很容易就得到的财富,知识是可权衡轻重的。Don't be to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.

霍乱发作时,临床表现轻重不一,轻者易愈。When cholera outbreak, the clinical manifestation weight varies, light easy to recover.

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而在现实面前我们当然先要冷静下来仔细观察,然后权衡轻重。In the reality of course, we have to calm down and carefully observed, and then balance.

留意你怎么安排自己的时间,并且学会给生活中的人一个轻重的顺序。Be conscious of how you spend your time and choose to prioritize the people in your life.

当你无视全身肌肉块的大小和钱包的轻重的时候,它就与你同在了。It stays with you regardless of the bulk of your biceps or the weight of your coin purse.