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她非常凶狠。She's quite fierce.

脚步像蝴蝶一样飘逸,出拳如蜂刺一般凶狠。Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

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削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

盐烤生鱼。多凶狠的样子。Salted grilled "Haruan" Fish. Look so fierce.

当他说话的时候,象一只老虎那样凶狠。When he said that, he was as fierce as a tiger.

而是像鹰一样凶狠而残暴的飓风?But like a hawk as fierce and violent hurricanes?

他念了几行,便凶狠地瞟了贝格一眼。He read a few lines, and looked wrathfully at Berg.

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他象巫婆一样神经过敏,像熊一样横蛮凶狠。He was as nervous as a witch and as cross as a bear.

来自卡扎菲政权的疯狂炮击,真是残暴凶狠。It is brutal, murderous shelling of the Gaddafi regime.

这个铲断很凶狠,但确实是合理的冲撞。It had been a ferocious but perfectly legitimate tackle.

两位拳击手凶狠地互相瞪着眼想以此镇住对方。The two boxers glowered each other to squelch the other.

大家都避开那个工头,他的行为像个凶狠的老板。Everybody avoids the foreman. He acts like a Simon Legree.

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其实,自矜仁义的宋襄公是一个凶狠残忍的伪君子。In reality, Song was a hypocrite who was fierce and cruel.

他们开始比其他男孩都更凶狠地嘲笑他、辱骂他。They began to jeer and insult him more than the other boys.

他是一个男孩,一名战士,俊美而凶狠,可敬却气愤。He is a boy and a soldier, beautiful and fierce, honorable and angry.

提出帮助他,但是他那种凶狠瞪视的目光使我们望而却步。We wanted to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped us.

布泽尔就斯隆提出的打的要更凶狠的要求给予了回应。Carlos Boozer offered his interpretation of Sloan's demand for nastiness.

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我确信他们会凶狠的防守,并且会通过防守反击来得分。I'm sure they'll defend fiercely and try to score through counterattacks.

卡里不会介意凶狠铲球,尽管他没有拿过牌。Cally didn't mind putting his foot in either, although he never got booked!

那声音是一个胡子又长、眼神凶狠、长相吓人的彪形大汉所发出来的。It was the voice of a huge and hideous man with a long beard and mean eyes.