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已经入夜了。It is already night.

即使只有几个街口之遥,入夜后搭计程车是唯一选择。Your only option at night is to take a taxi.

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之后的夜晚我们没再见到她,我和女朋友甚至在入夜后一起到过树林里。Then a month later on the 18th we saw her again.

一入夜,这个大厅就会人潮如涌。As night falls, the hall will be swamped by people.

入夜后士兵禁绝离开营房。The soldiers were prohellobited from leaving camp after dark.

现在就入夜后暴力是如何升级的仍旧众说纷纭。There is confusion over how the violence escalated after dark.

入夜,肇庆单独彷徨在船头,往事记忆犹新。At night, zhaoqing alone at the bow, the past oscillated memory.

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另外,入夜和雨势也使救援工作进展缓慢。In addition, night and rain also made slow progress in rescue work.

入夜后的音乐喷泉,随着交响乐的节奏而翩翩起舞。The musical fountain after nightfall, with the symphony and dance rhythms.

大概十分钟后,场地里的灯光因为入夜后被关掉了。About 10 minutes later, the enclosure's lights were turned off for the evening.

到了1927年,我的汽车在入夜后抛锚在了一个很小的意大利村庄的边缘。In 1927, my car broke down after nightfallin the edge of a small Italian village.

入夜,村寨鼓乐相闻,人们纵情歌舞,热闹非凡。At night, the village drum phase smell, people indulge in song and dance, boisterous.

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入夜后我们开着车小心前进,直到发现该拐弯的地方。After night fell we drove slowly along, picking our way until we found the right turn.

入夜,琼花悄悄进入匪巢与小庞联络。As night falls, Qionghua sneaks into the enemy's den to get in contact with Xiao Pang.

之后的夜晚我们没再见到她,我和女朋友甚至在入夜后一起到过树林里。As the nights passed we didn't see her, we even walked in the woods together at night.

入夜冷气令我不多作停留,我告别院子上的微星,钻进冷被窝。At night the cold so I do not stay, I say goodbye to the yard on MSI, into the cold bed.

入夜,当我们为孩子掖好小被的同时,相信他们不会为衣食所累,不会为安全担忧。That we can tuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm.

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这里现已入夜,我将会在明天修复这个问题,同时也会修复标记为过期的任务。Since it's already late night here, I'll fix that tomorrow, together with the WUs marked as timeouts.

入夜,韩珊瞒过公婆,单独走到院外,看着远处的天空,困难地呜呜哭泣。At night, HanShan fake in-laws, alone go outside the hospital, looking at distant sky, difficulty blare cry.

几分钟之后,十多个警务人员驱车驶入夜幕,朝着犯罪现场疾驰而去。Within minutes more than a dozen law-enforcement officers were driving into the night toward the crime scene.