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连属50毫米迫击炮怎么样?Were 50 mm company mortars any good?

包括火炮、熘弹炮和迫击炮。Cannon include guns, howitzers, and mortars.

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你开始使用地图上的迫击炮瞄准点。You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map.

敌人正用迫击炮轰击我们背后的一个十字路口。The enemy was mortaring a crossroads behind us.

缅甸炮兵营使用110毫米和105毫米重型迫击炮。Burma artillery battalions use 110 mm and 105 mm heavy mortar.

阿富汗士兵在抛送一枚82mm迫击炮弹。Afghan soldiers toss an 82mm mortar shell while working with U.

迫击炮炮弹搬运兵应担负起炮组的保卫任务。The mortar ammo bearers should provide security to the gun team.

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不知哪里落了几颗迫击炮弹,闷声闷气地轰轰几响。A few mortar shells were landing somewhere with a flat thudding sound.

路面沾满了迫击炮轰炸后留下的又黑又厚的痕迹。The streets are blasted with the thick black residue of mortar attacks.

“幼鸽”出现时,德军所有迫击炮和火炮射击都停了下来。When the Cubs appeared, all German mortar and artillery firing stopped.

当你在近卫迫击炮部队时,有高射炮掩护吗?When you were in the Guards mortars , did you have anti-aircraft cover?

另有几次,他们被迫击炮和机枪火力阻止停了下来。At other times they were stopped by mortars shells and machine-gun fire.

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由43门大炮和迫击炮射出的弹幕,伴随着噪杂声向桑特堡扑来。A cacophonous barrage erupted, as 43 guns and mortars opened up on Sumter.

巴方发起迫击炮袭击后,印度士兵开始报复。Indian jawans retaliated after mortars were fired from the Pakistani side.

装甲精英迫击炮半履带车弹幕炮弹发射间隔时间增加1秒。Panzer elite mortar halftrack barrage tuned by adding1s to each cool down.

团4.2英寸迫击炮连饱和射击并报废了一根炮管。The regiment's 4.2-inch Mortar Company was overrun and lost one of its tubes.

一位政府发言人说,据报导,迫击炮袭击事件没有造成伤亡。No casualties were reported in the mortar attack, said a government spokesman.

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该数据将包括敌方火箭、迫击炮和炮弹的位置。The data will include the location of hostile rockets, mortars, and artillery.

迫击炮和杵首次用来粉碎的颗粒点火粉末。A mortar and pestle was first used to pulverize the granules of Ignition Powder.

该雷达可以探测到向以色列境内发射的迫击炮弹。The radar will be able to detect the firing of mortar shells at Israeli territory.