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请到付款台去交款。Please pay at the cash desk.

请您到收款处交款。Will you pay at the desk, please?

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请到收银员那里交款。Please go to the cashier to pay for it.

那样,到了12点,我们就可以交款,走人。That, by 12 points, we can payment and leave.

他要我到出纳员那儿交款。He wants me to teller to hand in the item there.

购物可以用银行卡交款。While shopping online, you can pay with your bank card.

延期交款率于延期结算日确定。The rate of interest for contango is fixed on Contango Day.

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如果客户不在交款到期日付款,我们怎么办?What shall we do if a customer doesn't pay up on the due date?

嗯,价钱还算公道。你愿意我现在交款还是稍后?Well, it's a reasonable price. Would you rather I paid now or later?

剩余的人通过各种豁免理由被免予交款。The rest of the population does not contribute because of various exemptions.

每次去交话费总是排队,从来不到自动交款机。Every time I go to pay calls always line up, never less than automatic payment machine.

在5月19日下午,我们的交款成功递交给中国红十字协会。In the afternoon of May 19, our donation to China Red Cross was successfully completed.

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目前,不到十分之一的美国民众符合个人退休账户所要求的免税交款条件。Currently fewer than 1 in 10 Americans eligible to make tax-free contributions to an IRA does so.

在接到税务机关填发的交款书60日内申请复议。只有对复议决定不服的才可以起诉。Then you can apply for the reexamination within 60 days after receiving the tax payment bill filled by the taxation bureau.

如客户逾期缴款,UPS保留向客户收取迟交款项行政费之权利。In cases of non-payment, UPS reserves the right to charge an administrative fee on any amount outstanding as of the payment date.

出于这个原因,如果学员想要选修,我们将在他们决定参加选修时安排学员交款,此项不包括在这个项目的成本费用里面。For this reason, we do not include this in the program cost, if they want it we will arrange for them to pay when they decide to attend.

区域卫生保险机构前主席Popescu认同Stafie对资金的绝望,并指出,仅有一小部分人交款。Popescu, a former president of CNAS, shares Stafie’s despair over funding, noting that only a small portion of the population pay these contributions.

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迪诺和山卓拿着袋子在市区活动,假装你们在筹钱我们把赎金留着,他们有提到交款日吗?下次何时联络?。Dino and Sandro are taking the dummy bags into town. Make it look good. We'll keep the cash here. l need to know, was there any kind of plan?Was there a contact schedule?

交款时一定要让商家出具正规的发票,发票上注明优等品、合格品字样,出现质量问题便于解决。The businessman must let issue normal bill when making a money, make clear on bill classy article, qualification tastes model of written characters, occurrence quality problem facilitates solve.