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杰克被委任为联合主席。Jack was designated cochairman.

他们委任他为邮政局长。They appointed him as postmaster.

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非委任官员和男人。Non-commissioned officers and men.

他们委任他为委员。They appointed him to the committee.

他们亦称为委任检验师。They are also named as Appointed Examiners.

他被委任为这个村子的地保。He has been designated the crier of this village.

我们是在两年前委任他们为我方独家代办署理的。It was two years ago that we made them our sole agent.

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为此,德默特琉王也委任他为大司祭。And king Demetrius confirmed him in the high priesthood.

二零零四年二月,程教授获委任为逸夫书院院长。In February 2004, he was appointed head of Shaw College.

中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon.

但是当你授权委任的时候,有样东西是你不会丧失的,那就是结果。But what you don’t lose when you delegate is the outcome.

如无需要,不应委任成立人为受益人。Settlor shall not be named as beneficiary if unnecessary.

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代理商可在代理区域内委任多家经销商或代理商。Agent is allowed to appoint sub-distributors and sub-agents.

委任独立核数师须经成员批准。Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.

她被委任为委员会副主席。She is appointed to the vice- chairmanship of the committee.

我听说博斯韦尔想委任你担任一个特别的艺术委员会的委员。I hear Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee.

总统亲自领导行政部门并且委任内阁。The President heads the executive branch and appoints the cabinet.

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在这同一年,获委任为裁判官菲尔丁的米德尔塞克斯。In this same year, Fielding was appointed magistrate for Middlesex.

切尔西已经委任阿夫兰姆-格兰特为他们的新任足球主管。Chelsea have appointed Avram Grant as their new director of football.

自2007年起,他被委任为亚太广告节总裁,任职至今。He has been appointed as President of Asia Pacific ADFEST since 2007.