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城邦、政治共同体that the polis,the political community

这个国家是欧洲经济共同体的成员国。The country is a member country of EEC.

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我们共同建立一个更大的能源共同体“We'll build a larger energy community."

尼尔共同体总部设在马纳提县。Neal Communities is based in Manatee County.

假设共同体主义者的争辩是对的。Supposed the communitarian argument is right.

朝鲜则不大可能混到一个共同体创始国的头衔。North Korea is unlikely to be a founder member.

边沁问,到底什么是共同体。What, after all, is a community?" Bentham asks.

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共同体,是其成员的集合。It's the sum of the individuals who comprise it.

这次高级别会议是在加勒比共同体国家提议下举行的。CARICOM countries made this high-level event happen.

因生产过剩,欧洲共同体经济严重失衡。Over-production is seriously unbalancing the EEC economy.

但是对非共同体的国家则实行统一的对外税则。But a common external tariff exists for non-eec countries.

而且,共同体主义者将会说,我们甚至无法弄清,丽娜And the communitarian would say we can't even make sense, Rina

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此新十六国共同体将包括中国和印度。The new sixteen-member group will include both China and India.

那么,豪族共同体的理论基础是什么呢?Then, the theoretical basis for the Community Haozu what is it?

这种精神便是豪族共同体赖以存在的关键所在。Haozu this spirit is the key to the Community for its existence.

这使她对发展共同体来说是那么令人害怕。This is what makes her so alarming to the development community.

其成员组成包括171个国家以及欧洲共同体。Its membership includes 171 countries and the European Community.

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所以我把他安全地放进了主爱共同体教会的弃婴收容箱里。So I put him safely in the baby box of Jesus-Loving Union Church.

“超出一定规模,中国将引起恐慌”一欧共同体官员称。"Beyond a certain size, China is disturbing, " says one Eurocrat.

共生关系是共同体与个体的统一。Intergrowth relationship is the unity of individual and community.