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2011年财政预算,束手束脚。Budget 2011, No wriggle room.

那位先生在工作中束手束脚。The gentleman is overcautious in his work.

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这时私人企业便可以大有作为,不必束手束脚。It permitted individual entrepreneurs to do their own thing.

而一旦放弃这些手段各国在反恐时就会显得束手束脚。To eschew such tools is to fight terrorism with one hand tied behind your back.

对于那些稳定经济却让他们束手束脚的监管,他们并不需要。They don’t want regulations that would stabilize the economy but cramp their style.

然而一些中东欧的工人们对当初被束手束脚无法到外地工作的日子仍然记忆犹新。But many central and eastern European workers remember the days when they were not free to move.

不过,看看中国现在束手束脚的样子,随便一个小国都可以在它头上撒野。However, if you look now China's hands are tied, even those tiny countries can take a piss on China.

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如今联邦政府行动束手束脚,只能依赖州政府和地方政府大刀阔斧的推陈出新了。With the federal government deadlocked, bold measures may be confined to state and local governments.

他们制造了一个过于复杂的管理结构,结果让人们工作时束手束脚。They have built overly elaborate management structures that make it harder for people to do their jobs.

分离军不断推进,阿纳金则发现自己的绝地誓言束手束脚。Time and again, the Separatists pushed, and Anakin would find himself restrained by his oaths to the Jedi.

小型企业则被被束手束脚,它们鼓励“复制”而非“创新”。And the small-business sector is wrapped in cotton wool, encouraging “replicative” rather than “innovative” behaviour.

我可以自由自在地做好父亲、丈夫和州长这些角色,不受约束地对全国性的争议问题发表意见,以及作相关工作,而无须被当时的抱负束手束脚。I was free to be a father, husband, and governor, and to work and speak on national issues unencumbered by immediate ambitions.

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许多公司的层级制度使员工感到束手束脚,因此上班时发泄怒火就成了司空见惯的事。Venting at work is particularly prevalent because the hierarchy at many offices can make people feel like their hands are tied.

某些人也许会认为禁止自主机器人的做法过于天真或者抱怨这样会使士兵们在面对非正规作战的时候束手束脚。Some might call a ban on autonomous robots naive or complain that it would tie the hands of soldiers faced with irregular warfare.

当指责声蜂拥而至,这可能影响球员,你可以避免看足球,但是他们却因此而束手束脚。It can affect players when the crowd are on your back and you can shy away from wanting the ball, but they didn't show any of that.

奥巴马说他理解情报人员有时感到束手束脚,但还得继续工作。Obama said he understood that intelligence officials must sometimes feel that they are working with one hand tied behind their backs.

这段话讲的是,这本小说里的人物背上了家庭背景的沉重压力,束手束脚、固步自封,一直没能解决自己面临的问题。Those people in the novel are going nowhere fast. They bear burdens of their family history and are never able to solve any of their problems.

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哈里这个夏天跟朋友们过得很愉快,但他不想在训练期间因为感情的事而束手束脚,所以才向拂离妹宣布两人缘分已尽。Harry enjoyed spending time with friends over the summer, but he doesn’t want to be tied down in a relationship when training, so he called time on Flee.

参议院放弃跟随众议院的领导,使得奥巴马总统去哥本哈根参加会议之时手里没有任何一部新法规,中国人就束手束脚了。When the Senate failed to follow the lead of theHouse of Representatives, forcing the president to go to Copenhagenwithout a new law in hand, the Chinese balked.

人人俱是提心吊胆,束手束脚,唯恐一个不小心弄出声响来,就被心情严重不好的主人治了罪。Everyone's companioning is anxious and fold hands bunch feet, only maybe a carelessly alley make a ruckus ring, pedal mood severity the not good host cured misdemeanour.