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因此那是荒无人烟的地区。So it is a very desolate area.

基本上是在一个荒无人烟的地方了。It's in the middle of nowhere, basically.

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我也一样,如果我能不待在这鸟不拉屎荒无人烟的地方的话那就更好了。It's even better if I weren't in this god-forsaken place.

在回家路上,加达在一处荒无人烟之地住了一夜。On his way, Jada stopped for a night in a deserted place.

我记得这个城市过去是个荒无人烟的地方。What I remember is that this town used to be a no-man place.

他来到一块一望无际的不毛之地,那里荒无人烟,那是一种让人急欲离开的地方。It was desolate. It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

她在一个荒无人烟的长方形小岛下了飞机。When she was dropped off on an oblong island with no other inhabitants.

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当我驾车回家,驶上一条几乎荒无人烟的公路时,我查看手机里的短信。Driving home on a mostly deserted road, I checked my cellphone messages.

在这片荒无人烟的湿地,我用真情寻觅到了你的身影。No human habitation in the wetland, I use the truth to find your shadow.

我想找一个荒无人烟的地方,听不见任何声音,从此一睡不醒。I want to find a deserted place where can't hear any sound. And then never wake up.

捕猎者要在荒无人烟的地方生存,旱獭肉就成为了他的食物。Hunters to survive in the desolate and uninhabited places, Marmota meat became his food.

此刻,你可能正在凝望壁立千仞的山峰、波光粼粼的海湾或荒无人烟的沼泽。One moment you're gazing upon rocky mountain peaks, shimmering sea lochs and desolate moors.

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奥妮克斯星表面上荒无人烟,是展开新行动的绝佳场所。The planet Onyx is virtually abandoned and the perfect place to set this new plan in motion.

黑夜荒无人烟的公路上,一白衣女子路边挥手,司机停车载上了她。A night underpopulated highway, a lady in white roadside, waving the driver to stop carrying her.

也许有一天你会发现自己的汽车没油了,呆在路上进退不得,四处荒无人烟。You might one day find yourself stuck on the road, far from help, because you are out of gasoline.

这时候,尽管他严令催促,高加索集团军还是停顿在荒无人烟的山隘里面。For as the Gaucasus Force came to a halt in the wild mountain passes despite all his savage urging.

他们从凯斯威尔镇驱车沿着一条荒无人烟的乡间小路前往林斯威尔镇。They were driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lynnsville.

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他来到一块一望无际的不毛之地,那里荒无人烟,那是一种让人急欲离开的地方。He came upon a vast stretch of barren land. It was desolate. It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

不过一般地说,阳光炎热的山谷已荒无人烟,庄稼也被遗弃在炽热的田地里无人照管了。But for the most part the sunny valley was abandoned and desolate and the untended crops stood in parching fields.

我们并非生活在一个荒无人烟的小岛上,我们还有社会关系束缚着。你需要理智一点。We are not living in a no human habitation on the island, we have bound social relations. You need to be sensible.