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这是无脊椎动物系统分类学的网页。This is the web page of Invertebrate Systematics.

海葵是无脊椎动物,有一千多个品种。There aremore than a thousand sea anemone species.

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每年这种无脊椎动物要销售120万只。About 12 million of the invertebrates are sold annually.

公园里的本地特有的脊椎动物和无脊椎动物也很多。Endemism of vertebrates and invertebrates is also very high.

一半的无脊椎动物物种生活在热带雨林中。Half of all invertebrate species live in tropical rain forests.

在多数显花植物和无脊椎动物中,雌雄同体是正常现象。It is normal in most flowering plants and in some invertebrate animals.

它们还可以与类似珊瑚或蛤的海洋无脊椎动物在一起共生。Many form symbioses with marine invertebrates such as corals and clams.

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我们能降低入侵的无脊椎动物对生态系的冲击吗?。Can we reduce the impact of invasive invertebrates in natural ecosystems?

它们用独特的吻捕食其它无脊椎动物。They prey on other invertebrates, which they capture with a unique proboscis.

现在海洋无脊椎动物仍然利用这种方法寻找光源。Many contemporary marine invertebrates still employ the strategy for phototaxis.

狼蛛的这一特性也挑战了人类对蛛形纲动物及无脊椎动物的认知。This spider challenges what we thought we knew about arachnids and invertebrates.

克里普斯海洋研究所的其他海洋类藏品还包括无脊椎动物、泥芯和岩石。Other Scripps oceanographic collections include invertebrates, mud cores and rocks.

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无脊椎动物是怎样感受外界化学信号的?。How do Invertebrates Recognize and Discriminate Chemical Signals in the Environment?

文昌鱼代表由无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型。Amphioxus represents the transitional type of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate.

目前尚未了解这种在珊瑚和其他无脊椎动物身上发现的荧光蛋白质的功能。The function of such fluorescent proteins in corals and other invertebrates is unknown

今天的滨鸟拖着脚走在泥泞的地面上,寻觅着可供食用的无脊椎动物。Today's shorebirds shuffle along muddy flats pecking and probing for invertebrates to eat.

推崇自由的宝瓶座,喜欢旅游、美食和一切非无脊椎动物。The freedom of the praise highly of Aquarius, like to travel, food and all the invertebrates.

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今天,伦敦动物园内的动物种类繁多,有爬虫类、鱼类、无脊椎动物、鸟类和晡乳动物等。Today , London Zoo houses a wonderful range of reptiles, fish , invertebrates, birds and mammals.

这种通道常年不变地保持潮湿,支持着数十种无脊椎动物和两栖类动物。The passages remain moist year-round, supporting dozens of species of invertebrates and amphibians.

人们也观察到倭黑猩猩把小溪的水猛拍出来,吃水中的小无脊椎动物或者鱼。Bonobos also have been observed to slap water up from a stream and eat either invertebrates or fish.