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在这些记录被封存起来之后。After that the records are sealed.

第一次闪过这样的念头,过去的,就让它封存在记忆里吧。For the first time, what's past is past.

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它现在在封存在沃斯堡。It is now in flyable storage in Fort Worth.

资料封存了,谢谢关注。感谢大家。The data is expired. Tks for your attention.

不!要从移出收件匣的话,要按「封存」啦!No, to remove a message from the inbox, click on "Archive".

关键是确保今后的燃煤发电厂使用碳捕获和封存技术。The key is to ensure that future coal plants are using CCS.

所以这个结果被封存在耶鲁大学直到2066年才会被解封。The results were sealed and placed at Yale University until 2066.

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Katayev在一个文档盒上注明此盒应被封存多年。Katayev had marked one box of documents to be sealed for a number of years.

不仅词和形容词封存,整个情况可以封存了。Not only words and epithets fossilise , whole situations can fossilise too.

按照新规定,三分之一的公家车封存。Under the new regulations, a third of government cars have been mothballed.

但是,最终决定将其封存在苏维埃档案馆。However, the decision was made to add this document into the soviet archive.

然而不久之后,这些发射井就根据国际条约的要求被拆毁并封存。It was later dismantled and sealed up to comply with international treaties.

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在2011年8月29日之前,新购股票将处于封存期。The newly purchased shares will have a lock-up period until August 29, 2011.

现有的矿物燃料发电站被“封存”,仅在万不得已时使用。Existing fossil fuel stations are "mothballed" for use only as a last resort.

她向他讲述了封存已久的往事,而原本是不能告诉别人的往事。She told him of things that had been locked deep inside her, able to tell no one.

氢离子散发到空间中,而氧离子则被封存在表面的岩石中。The hydrogen escaped into space and the oxygen got locked into the surface rocks.

好奇的王先生将其捕获并封存在袋子里,镇上居民争相观看。Wang then kept the insect in a bag, attracting the town residents to take a look.

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一个封存千古的传说,在历史的海岸线上,她的身影若隐若现。A sealed eternal legend, her silhouette peeped out along the coastline of history.

2008年奥运会庆功酒“酒鬼”等就封存于此。The ceremony was the 2008 Olympic Games wine "drunkard" and so on in this archive.

这些F-14的命运将是被封存到亚利桑那的沙漠中或是进航空博物馆。The last F-14s will be mothballed in the Arizona desert or go to aviation museums.