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宛如百合,皓似白雪。Lily-like, white as snow.

这时候,真相宛如一股抚慰伤口的暖流沁入心间。The healing oxygen is truth.

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宛如冗长渐进的时光穿廊。As long ChuanLang gradual time.

这造成了一种宛如真实的梦幻。It created an illusion reality.

它至纯至真宛如罪孽!It's pure whitest, just like sin.

他那轻盈的舞步啊,宛如思想闪电。Quick in dance as thought can be.

他那红彤彤的脸蛋,宛如晨光。Red his face as the morning light.

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他那白皙的肤色,宛如夏雪。White his rode as the summer snow.

他那浓黑的头发,宛如冬夜。Black his cryne as the winter night.

我脑里一片混乱,宛如活在梦魇之中。I move as in a dream—as in a nightmare.

又一次,让人看见生命的气息,宛如一粒珠粹。Again, somehow, one saw life, a pure bead.

平和就宛如一个微型的国际村。Here is just like a little global village.

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宛如无数密集拥挤的蠕虫。Serried, swarming, like a million maggots.

好的电影造成一种宛如真实的幻觉。Good films make a hallution that seems real.

冬季银装素裹,宛如玉猫。In winter, it covered by snow as a jade cat.

漫步瑶里,宛如穿行在一部陶瓷的史诗中。Yao Li is walking, through a ceramic 's epic.

宛如魔方星星点点散布在河床In shapes like bits of puzzle strew the bottom

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宛如一把银色的利刃,刺进我心里的那片金色。Like a silver Liren, stuck in my heart of gold.

使得夜晚的柱廊宛如玄武岩的洞穴。Made them, in the evening, like basaltic grottos.

欢腾的人群宛如大海的波涛。The jubilant throng is like the waves of the sea.