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我们可以翘首期待。We can expect much more.

大家早就翘首期待这一切的到来。All of this is long overdue.

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这里,诸多新的职位在翘首等待您!Lots of new positions are waiting for you here!

兄弟,“男性年检”是你翘首以盼的医疗网站吗?Is Man MOT the medical website you've been waiting for, guys?

时间飞逝,我们已翘首企盼今天这个日子好久了。Time goes by quickly, we were waiting for today for a long time.

有团结德意志战车再遇潘帕斯雄鹰,经典大战我们翘首以盼。We are looking forward to the classic war against the Pampas eagle.

几部让人翘首企盼的录像片终于将在这个月到货。Several long-awaited videos will finally arrive in the shops this month.

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世界各地都翘首迎接2009年的到来,到处是欢跃和盛大烟火的场面。The world welcomes the arrival of 2009 with cheers and plenty of fireworks.

几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.

给您的家人报一声平安,或许他们正在翘首企盼。You should send a message to your family, maybe they are looking forward to it!

我们翘首等待黄昏的到来,缠缠绵绵地期待那个年轻人出现。We eagerly awaiting the arrival of dusk, smell to expect the young man appeared.

是生产款式新颖独特而耐用的多用途手表的翘首。BREITLING is multi-purpose watch production look fashionable and unique and durable.

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殷切期望能得到两位老版主的提携,翘首盼望曾经流连此地的老大侠们早日归来。Hopes of LaoBan two can get the support and hope once linger here as the old elapsed.

目前缺少个性化,而这正是在线买家翘首以盼的。The current lack of personalization, which digital buyers have almost come to expect.

困难群众对改善住房翘首以盼。The people in straitened circumstances are in dire anticipation of housing improvement.

公允的说,发生疫情的这些国家任务艰巨,其他国家可能现在翘首期盼许多信息数据。These countries are so overwhelmed. Other countries may expect a lot of information now.

大多数的女性一直在翘首期盼着这一天里和自己的白马王子共进晚餐。Most women are looking forward to is their dream lover with a romantic dinner invitation.

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云计算已经迅速攀升到了麦当劳先生所谓的“翘首以望的顶峰”。Cloud computing has rapidly risen to what McDonald calls “the peak of inflated expectations.

后面还有,对冲基金、特殊投资工具等等都在翘首期盼像银行一样的救赎。It follows that hedge funds, special investment vehicles and so on need bank-type regulation.

这一万众瞩目的焦点在全世界人民的翘首企盼下终于渐渐揭开它那神秘的面纱。This key focus under watchful eyes has eventually unveiled its mystery to the general public.