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你有手推车吗?Do you have any handcarts?

这辆手推车是用木头作的。This cart is made of wood.

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他们修这辆手推车一直修到深夜。He came, pushing a barrow along.

他推着手推车沿街卖鱼。He peddled fish from a pushcart.

客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西?。Do you how many things on the pushcart?

他推着手推车沿路走过。He trundled a wheel barrow down the path.

我们的旧手推车嘎嘎地穿过大街。Our old handcart rattled over the street.

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你能去乘一辆手推车该多好,请?Ben, can you go and get a trolley, please?

他把一辆手推车推到了后院。He trundled a wheelbarrow to the backyard.

水果从翻倒的手推车里滚出来。The fruit tumbled from the overturned cart.

客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西?Do you know how many things on the pushcart?

米奇发现他的手推车里什么都没有。Micky finds there is nothing in his handcart.

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他们将用手推车转载贡品。They would use trolleys to carry the tributes.

他的手推车空空如也,里面没有一顶帽子。His barrow was empty. There were no hats in it.

之后在我们的手推车上切好,为您服务。It is then cut on our trolly and served au jus.

医生,医生,人们说我是个独轮手推车。Doctor, doctor, people tell me I'm a wheelbarrow.

我穿上笨重的鞋,推出了我的手推车。I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.

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那园丁在小径上推著一辆独轮手推车。The gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path.

忘了锄头与手推车吧,不过记得带收音机。Forget the hoes and wheelbarrows, but bring a radio.

狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.