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孩子们嬉笑玩耍。Children laughed and played.

小孩们要玩耍。Little children want to paly.

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你的儿子正在附近玩耍。Your son is playing close in.

当别人玩耍时,你规划。Plan while others are playing.

在那儿我可以在沙滩上玩耍。There I can play on the beach.

工作玩耍二十四。Twenty-four for work and play.

沙米很喜欢玩耍与撒娇。Sammy loves to play and cuddle.

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与劳动相对应的事玩耍。The opposite to labour is play.

我为孩子们约定集体玩耍日。I set up playdates for our kids.

爱是同未来玩耍!Love is playing with the future.

相信远见和玩耍。Believe in vision and playmaking.

桑普喜欢在冰上玩耍。Thumper loves to play on the ice.

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小孩们在一棵丁香树附近玩耍。Children played near a lilac tree.

勿让儿童触及玩耍。Don't let children touch and play!

我喜欢英语,体育和玩耍。I like English, P. E. and playing.

我当时正在在山腰上玩耍。I was playing in the mountainside.

他们是否看到旁人在他们玩耍时关切的眼神所传达的力量Do they see strength in caring eyes

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许多少年在沙滩上玩耍。Many lads are playing in the sands.

侍在街道上玩耍是很危险的。Playing on the street is dangerous.

有人对浅滩上嬉戏玩耍的狗徒然呼喊--查理!Someone calling in vain — 'Charlie!