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我对我的家依依不舍。I am attached to my family.

两人就这样依依不舍地道了别。They thus coming tunnel don ¡ x't.

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那天,我们较晚才离开学校,依依不舍。We came home from school late that day.

在她离开这座城市那天,很多人都依依不舍地来相送。你说,那天至少有一百人来There were at least a hundred people present.

现在,我感到了一点依依不舍的焦虑!I'm actually feeling a little separation anxiety!

当你该起程回家时,你会依依不舍。When it is time to leave, you will go reluctantly.

不知不觉,我们改走了,我依依不舍地离开了海滩。Unconsciously, we to go and I reluctantly left the beach.

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过了一会儿,大白龟才依依不舍地往河里爬去。After a while, it crawled unwillingly back into the river.

伴随着纸质发票的消失,也有一些人觉得依依不舍。As paper receipts disintegrate, some people are a bit wistful.

然而山峰却留在那里追忆着,依依不舍地用我的爱跟随着你。But the mountain stays and remembers, and follows you with my love.

吃完晚餐,我们回到酒店拿了行李就带着依依不舍的心情前往机场。After the dinner, we took the luggage from hotel and heading to airport.

他们的心里一定充满了对荔园依依不舍的情感。They certainly in the hearts of Liyuan reluctant to part with the sentiment.

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那薄雾依依不舍地转着旋儿,直到九月的太阳升起,照亮那深蓝深蓝的九月的天空。The mist swirls and September sun shines through the deep-blue sky of September.

当依依不舍地关上我的大学生活之门时,我将永远珍藏这些日子。I will cherish these days forever as I reluctantly close the doors on my college life.

如今她即将跟随丈夫离开中国,心中充满了依依不舍之情。Now she is leaving with her husband and she wrote this article to memorialize her life in China.

我们继续走,穿过许多刷成白色的农舍,古老的树木上仍然依依不舍地挂着几片树叶。We walk on past whitewashed cottages and ancient trees just holding on to the last of their leaves.

在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, Canberra.

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没多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,说不定是他对本·亚尔德山上的“笼子”曾经是依依不舍呢。There he soon died, and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder.

他似乎不愿意把那张照片放回去,依依不舍地又在我眼前举了一会工夫。He seemed reluctant to put away the picture, held it for another minute, lingeringly, before my eyes.

今天是我们最后一天在寇立进行义工服务,心情有点依依不舍。Today was the last day for us to provide service in Khao Lak. We felt that we could not bear to part.