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我们的牧师老是在为这桩或那桩事募款。Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.

近年来本分会亦开始举办大型慈善募款音乐会「爱之颂」。CWLDC also holds the Sing for Love Charity Event every year.

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麦凯恩希望本周能在布什总统帮助募款的努力下得益。McCain hopes to benefit this week from fundraising help from President Bush.

义工则协助募款并奖掖教育计画。Volunteers manage fundraising as well as promotional and educational programs.

他们透过志工和募款的方法支援当地的HFH联盟。MIT Habitat supports local HFH affiliates through volunteer labor and fundraising.

我们的慈善机构向政府和私人企业募款。Our charity solicits funds from both governmental agencies and private enterprises.

如果你想在募款策略中成功地使用社会媒体,请记住If you want to be successful using social media in your fundraising strategy, remember

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他把这颗巨石放上拍卖网以为地震遇难者募款。He put the rock up for sale on an a auction site to raise money for earthquake victims.

中华公所在大礼堂举办招待会,为大纽约区美国红十字会募款,成绩理想。CCBA hosted a reception to raise funding for the American Red Cross in Greater New York.

他们当中很多人都捐了自己的作品到义卖会,要为阿富汗的孩童募款。Many had donated their works for a benefit exhibit to raise money for children in Afghanistan.

该镇将举办旧货拍卖慈善募款以筹措经费兴建游民庇护所。The town is hosting a fund-raising rummage sale for charity to build a shelter home for hobos.

她就在街坊里出售自产的蜂蜜为流离者募款,从不离家千里。She served her community by harvesting honey for the homeless. She never strayed far from home.

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全球各地祈福和支助不断,而莫拉克风灾募款行动也持续进行。Across the globe, prayers and support surge, as fundraising events continue for Morakot victims.

她就在街坊里出售自产的蜂蜜为流浪者募款,从不离家千里。She served her community by harvesting honey for the homeless. She never strayed far from home.

乌干达野生动物教育中心举办高尔夫球赛高,此为保护野生动物募款。The Uganda Wildlife Education Center holds golf tournament to raise funds for wildlife protection.

我常借用他宽敞的住宅举办募款活动,以便为帮助青少年的计划筹备基金。He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.

在约旦首都安曼的协助黎巴嫩募款音乐会上举烛的一名约旦人。Jordanian holds a candle during a fund-raising concert in support of Lebanon in Amman July 30, 2006.

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而地域训练将比照消除小儿痲痺等疾病募款活动的方式来举行。Regional trainings conducted for the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign will serve as the model.

英国退休外科医生打算开演唱会,为狮子山共合国重建学校募款。Retired surgeon in England plans concert to raise funds for the rebuilding of schools in Sierra Leone.

他们深知传统的街头募款方式十分惹人厌,于是想出一个新方法。Concerned that the traditional street collection method might be annoying, they created a new approach.