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大连康居工程出大手笔。The comfortable housing project is fully carried out in Dalian.

越是阔绰大手笔的礼物越是使人产生更大的怀疑。The more indulgent the gift the greater the suspicion it seems.

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尔街的银行家们纷纷重新开始猜测一起“大手笔”交易。Across Wall Street, bankers are back to speculating about 'The Big One.

他指出,有很多大手笔的二次创业后来落得个一败涂地的下场。He points out how many really expensive second venture blowouts there are.

这次花费几亿美元的大手笔,证明了迈克尔·杰克逊的精明之处。The purchase, for several hundred million dollars, was one of his more astute.

这可真是一个大手笔,创业公司所有的辛劳和困苦这下都值回了。It is such Croesus-like sums that make start-ups worth all the toil and trouble.

史提芬·斯皮尔伯格的电影经常是大手笔,但他在这部影片中表现了很大的自我限制。Steven Spielerg films are often heavy-handed, but he displays great restraint here.

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希望这意味着我们在一月份的转会期不需要什么大手笔。Hopefully that will mean we won't need to do too much in the January transfer window.

把垃圾食品从冰箱里清出去,不要去让你花大手笔的地方。Remove junk food from your house. Don ’t go to places where you might break your budget.

把垃圾食品从冰箱里清出去,不要去让你花大手笔的地方。Remove junk food from your house. Don’’t go to places where you might break your budget.

在以上提到的所有的新选择中,NBA2K12看来要大手笔改动了。With all of the new options mentioned above, NBA 2K12 looks to change that in a big way.

在大手笔的媒体投资之前先在低成本的在线渠道进行广告内容测试Test advertising messages in low-cost online channels before investing in big-budget media

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既无俄罗斯寡头,也无阿拉伯酋长,皇马这些无人能敌的大手笔是从哪找来的钱?Without a Russian oligarch or Arab sheikh, where do Real find the money to outspend everyone?

王伟率领东源公司开始了收购了世界500强公司的大手笔。Wang Wei leads east source company began to buy 500 strong companies of world with great quantity.

参与的大手笔捐款人都被邀请,在白宫的林肯卧室留宿一晚?Big campaign contributors were invited to stay overnight in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House?

今年夏天的大手笔则是上赛季曾被租借到伯明翰的毛罗。萨拉特。The more glamorous summer signing is Mauro Zarate, who spent last season on loan at Birmingham City.

在企业文化影响下,对于大手笔交易,PIMCO要比其他人有更多理由表示担心。PIMCO’s cohesive culture also gives it more reason than most to worry about the impact of splashy deals.

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工会对此嗤之以鼻,而雇佣方则欣然接受,他们通过使用新型合同获取大手笔奖励。The unions hate it, but employers, who will get generous incentives to use the new contract, welcomed it.

在高效的宣传机器精心炒作下,大手笔视频游戏往往轻松称霸喧嚣的流行文化市场,不过小团队开发的产品也有可能威胁到他们,使那些众人瞩目的开发团队很不舒服。With their well-oiled hype machines, big-budget video games easily dominate the pop-culture-buzz economy.

不仅如此,在国际拍卖会上,中国人也在以大手笔买下明朝的瓷器和中国古董,拍价不断创出新高。And they're setting new records on Ming-era porcelain and Chinese antiquities sold at international auctions.