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缺乏独有的内容。Lack of exclusive content.

这就是王朔独有的气势。This is the unique charm of Wang.

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大家都来了,独有他还没来。He's the only one who isn't here yet.

但这些价值观是美国独有的吗?But are these values unique to America?

汝拉州独有的传统,是旅游零售。Jura Legacy is exclusive to travel retail.

独有一种心态却常驻心间。Unique kind of mentality, but permanent heart.

什么是文学所独有的能力?What can literature say that nothing else can?

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你的人生使命既是共有的也是独有的。Your life mission is both shared and specific.

无神论是这样一个独有的现代现象。Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon.

该线采用独有的俩发好声绝伎。Adopted unique cable line two hair sound good stunt.

忠诚度是旅法师独有的特征。Loyalty is a characteristic only planeswalkers have.

在她们每一个人心里,都独有一个小太阳,晒着她们的灵魂。Each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in.

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图腾柱上的每个物品及人物在传说中都有自己独有的地位。Each item and character has its own place in the tale.

我们独有的液化BIO外衣确保生物的药效性。Our unique BIO-lipid coating insures bio-availability.

不过,此类煽动,不单为麦凯恩所独有。But the instigation isn't coming exclusively from McCain.

也就是从这时起,“伙计”独有的技艺开始声名远扬。It was then that Mac's special skills started to blossom.

如你所见,这并非俄国独有的This is not just a uniquely Russian tale, as you can see.

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脱颖于都市繁华,我独有自己的小小宫殿。I have a small palace that is away from the bustling city.

对于言辞的漠不关心是我们独有的症状。Our indifference to wording is a symptom of our expertise.

神爱你也希望和你建立起独有的情谊。God loves you and wants an exclusive relationship with you.