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肝素为首选的治疗剂。Heparin is the treatment of choice.

肝素可以从猪肠中提取而来。Heparin is derived from pig intestines.

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使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

与肝素相比,它的优势是什么?Compared with heparin, what is the advantage of LMWHs?

只有苯妥英、茶碱和肝素是例外。Exceptions include phenytoin, theophylline, and heparin.

磺达肝素钠也能够减少静脉血栓。Fondaparinux sodium also prevented venous thromboembolism.

肝素为最广泛应用及最可靠的抗凝剂。Heparin is the most widely used and reliable anticoagulant.

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此外,比利亚说,依诺肝素治疗的耐受性良好。In addition, Villa said, enoxaparin treatment was well tolerated.

如华法林、肝素、阿司匹林等也应慎用。Such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin, should also be used with caution.

结论低分子肝素在PCI术中的应用是有效的、安全的。Conclusion Using low-molecular-weight heparins in PCI is effective and safe.

在植入体内前,采用肝素化生理盐水清洗导管。Flush the catheter with heparinized saline prior to insertion into the body.

因此,一般来说低分子量肝素使用的效果都是非常好的。So in general, the use of LMWHs has been associated with very good outcomes.

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在有不良反应的患者所使用的肝素中也发现了此种物质。The contaminant has been found in heparin taken by people who had reactions.

那屈肝素钙在ACS治疗上是否比其他低分子量肝素有优势?Does Nadroparin Calcium have any advantage in ACS treatment over other LMWHs?

抗X因子活性是可接受的检测肝素治疗的替代方法。Anti-Xa activity is an acceptable alternate method to monitor heparin therapy.

肝素具抗凝血及抗脂血活性,是治疗冠状动脉疾病用药。Heparin was recommended in treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

如果柯瑟琳的诊断是错误的,那么肝素将会让出血状况更加恶化。If Catherine's diagnosis was wrong, the heparin would make the bleeding worse.

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目的综述肝素类化合物与肿瘤的关系。Objective To review the relationship between heparin-like compounds and tumor.

其中一项研究比较了血液稀释药物磺达肝素钠和安慰剂的作用。One study compared the blood-thinning drug fondaparinux sodium with a placebo.

应用低分子肝素抗凝治疗有效。It is efficient when treated with heparin to prevent the hypercoagulable state.