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那些极乐世界的仙女们。Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.

极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?Is Elysium there are joy and sadness?

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欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium.

因为你已经到了极乐世界,你已经死了!For you are in the Elysium, and you're already dead.

沙滩、一本书、一杯莫吉托鸡尾酒——我就身处极乐世界了。"A beach, a book and a mojito cocktail – I amin seventh heaven".

沙滩、一本书、一杯莫吉托鸡尾酒——我就身处极乐世界了。"A beach, a book and a mojito cocktail – I am in seventh heaven".

念阿弥陀佛,回向自己往生西方极乐世界。Or should I not think about anything while chanting Amitabha Buddha?

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他是我打开另一个极乐世界的钥匙。With him as my key I was able to unlock another world, a happier land.

是的,有一些工作是”噩梦成真”,但没有任何工作是“极乐世界“。Yes, some jobs are nightmares incarnate, but no job is nirvana, either.

如果你真的要与你的女儿重逢,你首先得成为值得进入极乐世界的人。If you are to see your daughter again, you must become worthy of Elysium.

你的女儿很平安,她在极乐世界与一群纯洁的灵魂生活在一起。Your daughter is well, she lives among the pure souls in the Elysium Fields.

欢乐,圣净之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。圣者将回于地狱!Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

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欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。圣者将归于天堂!Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

我想把西方极乐世界描绘下来,某种意义上也是对现实的逃脱。My wish to paint Western Paradise is also an escape from the reality in a sense.

罗汉是已经到达“极乐世界”的和尚。在这霎那,我觉得我也到达“极乐世界”了。Arhats are monks who have reached Nirvana, and, for a moment, I felt that I had as well.

我抬起头望向天空,母亲现在一定在极乐世界里看着我。I looked up to the sky because I knew she was now living in Zion, in the seventh heaven.

我不认为人类的终极目标就是在极乐世界中永生。I don't think that human's ultimate goal is to be immortal and live in the Elysian Fields.

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好在,陈妈妈最终释怀,并与理珊约定,在极乐世界相聚。Thankfully , eventually, she did let it go and made a pact with Lisa to reunite in heaven.

只有我们的名字被呼唤,我们的灵魂才能进入永恒的极乐世界。Only upon hearing our names called, are our souls allowed to enter into a blissful eternity.

法官们说我现在可以去极乐世界,那里会很美好。The judges say I have to go now to Elysium and that it will be nice there. I miss my family.