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要跟我打篮球一决胜负吗?Want to play me in basketball?

栗田还惦记着一个重大的决胜因素。Kurita had one more major factor to bear in mind.

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两位决胜选举候选人都公开展示了对这次选举的信心。Both candidates have expressed confidence in their showing.

乔丹最后一秒那决胜的投射真是太美妙了。Michael Jordan's last-second game-winning shot was spectacular.

我们刚刚进入决胜跑道,就又失去了一个领导人。Just as we were entering the homestretch, another of our leaders was gone.

如果一盘比赛中双方都胜六局,就要执行平局决胜规则。If the score reaches 6 games all in a set, the tie-break rule comes into operation.

生存于质量,核心于管理,搏击于市场,决胜于品种。Surviving in quality, coring in management, struggling in market and winning in breed.

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老叫化,你今日跟我是比武决胜呢,还是性命相拚?Laojiaohua, today you told me is winning the contest, or the normalization of life phase?

明天的比赛是一场决胜负,我们所要做的就是晋级下一轮。It is one game and knockout straight away so we have to go there just thinking to qualify.

你若是要代表人类和聪明的机器一决胜负,你也会惴惴不安。You would be nervous if you were representing the human race against a very clever machine.

对于这种扑克决胜绝技的手法说得神乎其神,但是要你真的练成,还是要花点功夫的!For the poker winning stunt technique that miraculous, but you really made, or take a kungfu!

在决胜点使用战术预备队以阻挡巨量的华约攻击并且实施纵深防御。Use tactical reserves at critical points to blunt the massed PACT attacks and defend in depth.

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迪尔玛•罗塞夫,报纸上着红色衣服者,将会在接下来的决胜投票中获选为总统。Dilma Rousseff, wearing red in the newspaper, would later win the presidency in a run-off vote.

企业了解到,消费者的确将这些环保的考量当做决胜关键.这的确协助他们产品出现差异化.Companies are realizing that consumers do use these environmental considerations as tiebreakers.

决胜点双打组合林鼎钧与刘家纶也没让队友失望。For the winning point, the combination of Lin Dingjun and Liu Jialun did not disappoint teammates.

利比里亚选举委员会主席称,决胜选举将如期举行。The head of Liberia's election commission has said that the run-off vote will go ahead as planned.

你认为这一次将恢复到保守的英格兰-意大利式一球决胜?Do you think this one is going to revert back to the dour old English-Italian one-goal-in-it affair?

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我公司真诚欢迎您的到来,将帮你运筹帷幄决胜千里。I sincerely welcome your company's arrival will help you devised strategies Out of a thousand miles.

决定每一节或任一决胜期时间终了同时最后的投篮出手是否在比赛时间内。Decide if a last shot at the end of each period or any extra period was released during playing time.

犹如重压下的决胜轮次那样,这是一个家伙在,另一个家伙爬上绳子。As heavyweight final rounds go, this was one guy clubbing and the other guy climbing out of the ropes.