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周六是M25公路建成25周年。The M25 is 25 on Saturday.

社青盟100周年,国际团结互助。Inter Solidarity at IUSY 100.

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别哭,领结婚证一周年岁念,我和你一同玩。Don't cry, I will play with you.

因为那是他的周年纪念。because that was his anniversary.

澳门回归祖国已经十周年。Aomen has returned China for ten years.

我们正在庆祝我们的五周年店庆。We are celebrating our fifth anniversary.

今日,露西尔·鲍尔诞辰100周年。Lucille Ball would be 100 years old today.

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今年的结婚周年纪念日我打算早点醒来。This Anniversary Day I plan to wake early.

等于是五十周年重逢聚会。A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.

你们有生日周年纪念卡吗?Do you have any anniversary-birthday cards?

该城的二百周年纪念日明年即将到来。The town will have its bicentenary next year.

今天是我们结婚60周年纪念日。Today is our sixty-fifth wedding anniversary.

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爱儿谨祝结婚周年快乐。A happy anniversary wish from your loving son.

爱儿谨祝结婚周年快乐。B happy anniversary wish from your loving son.

今年是“盖尔人运动协会”125周年华诞。This year the GAA marks its 125th anniversary.

明天是我们结婚30周年纪念日。Tomorrow is our thirtieth wedding anniversary.

没,没有支票.仅仅是张周年纪念卡…No, there's no check. It's an anniversary card.

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周六是罗伊诞辰38周年。Saturday is the 38th anniversary of Roe V Wade.

今年已经是该电影节诞生75周年。This year is the 75th birthday of the festival.

你知道2010年是维他奶国际集团成立70周年吗?。Do you know 2010 was Vitasoy's 70th anniversary?