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但丁的坟墓。Dante’s grave.

起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

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他找到了那个大坟墓。He stopped the large tomb.

啊,是你在我的坟墓上刨土吗?It was your resting-place.

这里头闷得像个坟墓。It's dull as tombs up here.

河流是真正的坟墓。The river is the true grave.

在这爱情坟墓的周围。Around the sepulcher of love.

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出殡的行列行向坟墓。Funeral marches to the grave.

婚姻是爱情的坟墓。Marriage is the tomb of love.

人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?Can a man rise from the grave?

他走向其他的坟墓。He motions to the other graves.

曾经掠夺过我们共同的坟墓。Have despoiled our common grave.

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那里也是他坟墓所在的地方。It is also the site of his tomb.

她安睡在海边的坟墓In the sepulchre there by the sea

坟墓很快被填好。The grave was quickly covered in.

镜头转换到一座坟墓。The scene shifted to a sepulcher.

在那海边的坟墓旁。In the sepulcher there by the sea.

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做自己的坟墓,绝自己的血统?Of his self-love to stop posterity?

仿佛是一具具僵卧在坟墓里的尸体。Each like a corpse within its grave.

别栋很暗,并且像坟墓一样寂静。It is dark, and silent as the grave.