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我这个人不易被激怒,但是他的行为让人忍无可忍!I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable!

“够了!”子轩朔易终于是忍无可忍。"Is ample! "The son Xuan Shuo is easily and finally unbearable.

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农场主想不到更好的办法,忍无可忍找到镇上的法官评理。Farmers think of a better way to find intolerable town judge judge.

于是,作家们终于忍无可忍了,他们涌上街头,发起抗议游行和罢工纠察,甚至还跟警方大打出手。And so the writers took to the streets. They were marching, picketing.

把我逼到忍无可忍后,把它藏起来,她知道我当时在看着她。To push me over the edge. Then she hid it, knowing I was watching her.

上个月发生的一件事件终于把她逼到忍无可忍。The incident that finally pushed her over the edge occurred last month.

让人忍无可忍,法国在1848年终于爆发了革命。These unbearable conditions would led to the French Revolution of 1848.

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艾卡娜丢掉莉莉的绘画本,莉莉忍无可忍,和母亲吵了一架。Ai card na lose lily's painting the lily, unbearable, and mother had a quarrel.

但是中国人民对过度发展所付出的代价越来越忍无可忍了。But the Chinese people are growing impatient with the costs of unchecked development.

有人竟然提出政府在桥梁建设方面投资不够,这真让人忍无可忍。It was outragous for anybody to suggest that they were not spending enough on bridges.

只能说电信业者的网络质量与布建还离完美有段距离,但总体来说断话的情况也还不至于到忍无可忍的境界。The network is far from perfect, but we didn't see an intolerable amount of call issues.

他们忍无可忍,领导乡亲们拿起武器准备行动。Driven beyond endurance, they led the villagers to arm themselves and prepare for action.

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有一天,他的妈妈对他忍无可忍,在气头上错骂他小狗崽子。One day his mother was mad at him and made the mistake of calling him a puppy. His retort

她自告奋勇看守伊利丹,因为伊利丹对她兄弟的攻击让她忍无可忍。She offered to watch over Illidan, whose attack on his fellow night elves had been the last straw.

他经常拖拉,最后的一次令她实在忍无可忍了,那是他在她最好的朋友40岁生日派对时迟到。He was often tardy, and the last straw was him being late for her best friend's 40th birthday party.

九妹一气之下将在场的所有人都骂了一遍,四喜忍无可忍,便出声骂她太过份。In nine sister flay will present everyone scold, four xi unbearable, too too much noise to scold her.

在美国,围绕债务上限展开的政治攻诘让投资者忍无可忍。In the U.S., the flashpoint among investors was the political acrimony over raising the debt ceiling.

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于是我们便放弃了钢琴,放弃了阅读课,因为这些刻板的练习让人忍无可忍。And so we quit the piano and give up on our reading lessons, because we can’t stand the training regimen.

对于对孩子和童年有着传统理解的观察员来说,这简直是忍无可忍。That was just too much for an inspectorate with rather more conventional views on children and childhood.

我与一位朋友见面,她那种响亮的笑声让人忍无可忍——饭店里的噪杂谈话声也让人受不了。I see a friend and her ringing laughter is intolerable — the noise of conversation in the restaurant, unbearable.