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他在凄风冷雨中荡来荡去。He wandered about in the chill rain.

冬天伴着凄风冷雨一起来了。The winter came with the wind and the rain.

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一片飘泊的枫叶,饱含多少凄风冷雨!One maple leaf has too many stories to tell.

就象十一月的凄风冷雨中,那跳动着的烛焰。And it's hard to hold a candle, in the cold November Rain.

斯梯芬形容憔悴,筋疲力竭,从闷热的工厂里走了出来,到了凄风冷雨的街道上。Stephen came out of the hot mill into the damp wind and cold wet streets, haggard and worn.

史蒂芬从闷热的工厂出来,然后走进了凄风冷雨的街道,憔悴而疲惫。Stephen came out of the hot mill into the damp wind and cold wet streets, haggard and worn.

让美国和英国一片凄风冷雨的经济大衰退还没有影响到法国。For now, the recession, which has plunged Britain and America into gloom, has yet to hit France.

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高楼外面的这个城市,没有昨天那凄风冷雨的烦恼。Outside the tall building, there is no cold wind, no cold rain, which there was so much yesterday in the city.

如今他们正为美英经济的凄风冷雨而欢欣鼓舞,额手相庆。Right now they are rubbing their hands with glee over the wretched state of the American and British economies.

曾经的誓言都被凄风冷雨所击碎,那些有梦的日子已变为回忆。The once oath is smashed by the chilly air-cooled rain, those days with dream had already turned into and remembered.

我不往想身后会不会袭来凄风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界地只能是背影。I wouldn't care the difficulties around for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal.