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非也……我也但愿我有这般本事。No ---- I only wish I could.

我是否就这般凉薄了很久。If I is so cool and thin long.

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白天可看不见这般气象。You never saw the like by day.

我从未看到我伯父像现在这般快乐幸福。I have never seen my uncle happier.

任何人对这般侮辱都会发怒的。Anyone would bridle at such insults.

为何这对苏格拉底这般重要?Why is this so important for Socrates?

他决不会把自己的名声辱没到这般田地。He would never disgrace his name so far.

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啊,名声原来是这般苦涩和痛苦!Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown!

我还能再次体味这般宁静吗?Will I ever again experience such peace?

夜这般温柔,月后正登上宝座。And haply the Queen_Moon is on her throne.

很抱歉给你带来这般烦恼。I'm sorry that I caused you such annoyance.

殿下,请原谅我献上这般菲薄的礼品。Prince, please forgive this shabby present.

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为何要这般兜圈子呢?Why was he now taking so circuitous a route?

但是记忆之花能在这般荒漠中盛开吗?But can memories bloom in a desert like this?

鲁尼这般水平的技术和意志是无价之宝。That level of technique and desire is precious.

这般神秘和梦幻般可爱的地方。A place of such mystic and visionary loveliness.

宝玉见了这般景况,心中忽觉浇了一盆冷水一般,……Baoyu felt as if doused by a bucket of cold water.

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可是多瑙河,哪能有她这般清澈?But how could the Danube compare with such limpidity ?

面对这般旧事新说,您又作何感想呢?What do you think of this new vision of the old story?

布兰没有跟上去,他的小马没这般能耐。Bran did not try to follow. His pony could not keep up.