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也许是散伙的时候了。Maybe that will be the end.

他和他的代理人散伙了。He and his agent have parted company.

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那个歌手已经和他的经纪人散伙了。The singer has parted company with his agent.

这个乐队在此次巡游之后打算散伙。The band decided to call it quits after the tour.

"反对派的领袖去世后,他们很快就散伙了。"。The opposition melted away after their leader died.

他们已经散伙了,把钱投到各地。They have bolted. They've left bills all over the place.

项目一旦完成,他们就散伙去抓下一个热门的机会。Once the project is completed, they are off to the next hot opportunity.

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因为假若当我们抽出力量时,伊拉克从内部搞散伙了,奥巴马的团队将被责骂,将会有一个乱局。Because if Iraq unravels as we draw down, the Obama team will be blamed, and it will be a huge mess.

“大地、风与火”于四年前散伙,但是又重新组合起来,录制了一盘新的唱片集。Earth, Wind and Fire broke up four years ago , but they came together again to make a new record album.

创业团队散伙现象在民营科技型企业相当普遍。The disbandment of entrepreneurial founder team is a popular phenomenon in private science & technology firms.

预计交易双方将于今年三月底完成有关的交接工作,而一旦交接工作完成,PCMCIA集团组织则将彻底散伙。The handover should take place before the end of March and will result in the PCMCIA body dissolving entirely once the transfer is complete.

从地理上说,我现在的这些朋友似乎天涯各方,但是和那些毕业就散伙的校友相比,我们关系好多了。The friends I have now might be spread wide, geographically, but I'm closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by about a million miles.

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“守护主杯”王球大赛计划于下周举行,但是球赛联盟散伙了!殿下我们该怎么举办球赛?!The Kingball Watchers Cup tournament is scheduled for next week, but the league is completely broke! How can we hold the big game, Your Highness?!

这个新月会让你公开讨论到关于信贷的最高限额或者关于在离婚或散伙的时候公平分割财产。This new moon will allow you to open talks about getting a line of credit or concerning the fair division of property at the end of a marriage or business.

快过年了,所以团伙要散伙,当骗子老大利用完女孩儿,预将她抛弃之时,却发现自己爱上了她。Fast spent the New Year, so the gang wants disband, use the girl when cheater old, abandon her beforehand when, discover oneself fell in love with her however.