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第七章是对已被撤销的农校的个案分析。The seventh chapter is the case analyses on the already-canceled Peasant Schools.

第六章是对逐步转型的农校的个案分析。The sixth chapter is the case analyses on the transforming gradually Peasant Schools.

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文章总结了岳阳市农校图书室为教学服务的三点经验。The article summed up the experience of library of Yueyang Agricultural school serving teaching.

该州不仅是幼儿教育的先驱,职业教育、技术教育和农校教育也搞得有声有色上。A leader in early-years education, it is also applauded for its vocational, technical and agriculture schools.

农校的招生办主任在面试一个上线的学生,“你为何要选择这个职业?”The school of agriculture's dean of admission was interviewing a prospective student. "Why have you chosen this career?"

农校的招生办主任在面试一个上线的学生,“你为何要选择这个职业?”The school of agriculture's dean of admissions was interviewing a prospective student. "Why have you chosen this career?"

兰州农校不良学生非正式群体违纪行为的基本情况及特点。The general circumstances and characters of the rule-breaking conduct of the informal groups of bad students of Lanzhou Agricultural School.

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昆明学院农校中专部它坐落在东郊跑马山,是一个又大又漂亮的花园学校!Kunming Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture secondary school located in the eastern suburbs Pao Mashan it is a big, beautiful school garden!

注重科研成果向现实生产力的转化,农校中秋月饼市场走俏,乳制品生产、花卉生产等市场前景看好。The mid-autumn festival moon cake of QAS is in great demand in the market, dairy products production, flowers and plants production also have a good market prospects.

研究结果发现目前农校学生绝大多数皆有使用电脑网路的经验,但应用于农业资讯取用方面则尚不普及。Results of this study have shown that most agricultural vocational students have experiences using computer networks but only few of them try to access agricultural information via these tools.