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探戈是我最喜爱的。Tango is my favorite.

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何宝荣在一家同志探戈酒吧工作。Leslie works in a gay Tango Bar.

对不起,这曲探戈我已有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged for this tango.

像狐步舞、华尔兹舞、伦巴、探戈等等。Such as fox-trot waltz rumba and tango.

我对探戈的激情掩饰着一个恐惧。My passion for tango disguises a fearfulness.

为探戈谱写的一种双拍子乐曲。Music written in duple time for dancing the tango.

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Cambalache是阿根廷一首探戈曲目的名字。Cambalache is the name of a Tango song in Argentina.

第三种是探戈华尔兹,叫做华尔兹或者十字华尔兹。The third is tango waltz, called vals or vals cruzado.

卡洛斯。加维多是卡蜜拉非常欣赏的探戈大师之一。Carlos Gavido is one of Camila's favorite Tango masters.

阿瑟·默里教狐步舞、探戈和华尔兹。Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz.

他们会跳摇滚,会跳探戈,就是不会跳博普舞。They can rock and roll, they can tango, but they can't bop.

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这是典型的正在进行着”喜怒无常探戈“的人说出的话。This is the classic cry of someone who's doing the herky-jerky tango.

据悉,这块探戈金牌也是中国亚运历史上的第1000块金牌。It also marked China's 1000th gold medal in china's Asian Games history.

曾几何时,我们的七十年代有香艳无边的“巴黎最后的探戈”以及“香波”。Once upon a time, back in the '70s, we had Last Tango in Paris and Shampoo.

两夜户外锐舞,万人电子大趴,长城探戈坞森林音乐节之派对时间!A two-night outdoor rave at the "Great Wall Tanglewood Forest Music Festival"!

音乐会以皮亚左拉的动感十足的探戈组曲结束。The concert ended with a tour de force performance of Piazzolla's Tango Suite.

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她也是一位空手道黑带高手,喜欢穿着轻薄的衣服跳阿根廷探戈。She’s a Karate Black Belt, and loves dancing Argentine tango in skimpy dresses.

请在有700年历史的古宏恩寺里尽情享受探戈!Enjoy Tango in Beijing's most beautiful venue, the 700 year-old Hong' en Temple!

看到这个自由舞蹈课视频的阿根廷探戈表演示范。See the argentine tango performance demonstration in this free dance lesson video.