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我们种树,后人乘凉。We planted the trees.

那种树总是传奇世界私服很伤心?。What tree is always very sad?

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我现在可以种树吗?Can I read the boks about trees?

四月是种树的时候。April is the time to plant trees.

这种树结一种红色、坚硬的果实。The tree bears a red, hard fruit.

我在种树。种得直吗?I'm planting a tree. Is it straight?

本人能在花园里种树栽花。I can plant trees and flowers in the garden.

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这种树包含着一种名为水杨苷的化学物质。The tree contains a chemical called salicin.

这种树只产于澳大利亚。This type of tree is found only in Australia.

这种树使空气带有一股清香味。The trees tinged the air with their fragrance.

这种树可以减少水分流失和土壤侵蚀。The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.

列表是对这种树的极好描述。Lists are excellent representations of such trees.

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你种树,我栽花,快把北京来绿化。You plant trees, I Zhihua, Kuaiba Beijing to Green.

为什么每个节点在这种树包含一个链接列表?Why does each node in this Trie contain a linked list?

种树前,我们先用铁锹挖了些坑。We dig some pits with a spade before planting the trees.

但是那里却既不方便种蔬菜也不方便种树。But it is not easy growing vegetables and planting trees.

这种树的肾状种籽,烤后可食。The kidney-shaped seed of this tree eaten after roasting.

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吉布斯医生不拯救人性命的时候就去种树。When Dr. Gibbs wasnt saving lives, he was planting trees.

这种树包含着一种名为水杨苷的化学物质。The tree contains a chemical called salicin . In the eighteen.

这种树的用途如此之大,以致有些人离开了它就简直不能生存。It is such a useful tree, some popel could hardly live without it.