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对不起,我真是爱莫能助了。Sorry, I can't help it.

很抱歉,此事我爱莫能助。I regret that I can not help.

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他知道他们也爱莫能助。He knew they could not help him.

抱歉,实在是爱莫能助。I'm sorry, but it's just not possible.

只是我现在爱莫能助,我年纪一大把了。Now, I can't do it for you. I'm too old.

他有很多困难,但我爱莫能助。He's having a lot of problems, but my hands are tied.

我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。I appreciate your problem, but I don't think I can help.

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很抱歉,爱莫能助,我没有钱借给你。Sorry to be so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you.

我只知道呜呜地哭,却爱莫能助,全家老小别提有多难受了。I only know whimpered, I don't think I can help, the whole family indescribably sad.

没办法,她只好求助于警察,可是他们也表示爱莫能助。With no ideas, she approaches the police for help, but they are unable to do anything.

对于美国最大的小型企业信贷商CIT深陷泥潭的状况,我们爱莫能助。It hardly helps that one of America’s biggest small-business lenders, CIT, has run aground.

爱莫能助,怪也怪我不好好地做足运动。Nothing can do, the only thing can blame on was did not exercise enough before hike the mountain.

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看到他们生活如此艰辛,而我却爱莫能助,我便感到心存愧疚。They work seven days a week. I look at how hard their lives are, and I feel guilty that I can't help.

这件事的本质,深深隐藏在表面现象下,是我所不能企及的,也是我爱莫能助的。The essentials of this affair lay deep under the surface, beyond my reach, and beyond my power of meddling.

求职者常常说服自己不去联系某人,因为他们认为对方不会想要帮忙,或是表示爱莫能助。Many times job seekers talk themselves out of contacting someone because they assume the person won't want to help or won't be able to.

通常人们认为对此确实是爱莫能助,但一系列的研究表明,任何年龄段的人都能通过训练使其大脑变得反映更快,更有效,更年青。It used to be thought that this couldn't be helped, but a barrage of new studies show that people of any age can train their brains to be faster and, in effect, younger.

这些观点和传统价值观进酷爱祖国,尊老爱幼等背道而驰,但人们若是真的做出这些笨拙的事情,我们也爱莫能助。These opinions are so contrary to traditional values, like loving one's country and respecting one's elders. But we can't do anything if these people just like ugly things.

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公司只不过有一份编你故事的清单,他们就是不想让你在这儿再干下去了,我确实是爱莫能助。The company simply has a compendium of charges that have been compiled against you and they just don' t want you to work here any more! There's nothing I can do to help you!

假如我们把一些恶果,视作人类爱莫能助的世界中之必然,我们还是能对自己将事情变好的能力保留信心。If we see some bad outcomes as being inevitable in a world in which our control is limited, we can nevertheless retain our confidence in our ability to change things for the better.

我想直截了当地告诉你,我认为你在现在这当口上开办一家新饭馆是大错特错,所以如果你来这儿是要借钱的话,我可爱莫能助。Bill, right off the bat I want to tell you I think you're making a big mistake to start a new restaurant right now. So if you're here to borrow any money, I'm afraid I can't help you.